Who's Better for Digging?

Here's the scenario: 
You have a secret crush on someone and you want to see if you even have a chance. 
Which sex is better for doing your digging? Male or Female

Here's my take:
female symbol fatguyradioshow.com cory blaze
"The Female".

The first thing you have to consider is if the "female" gumshoe you're about to hire is single or in a relationship. If the female is single, her first thought is going to be why isn't he interested in me. Which may result in her sabataging the entire process.

If she's in a relationship, you run the risk of the girl doing a complete comparison of the person you're into and deciding herself it would never work. Resulting in her trying to fix you up with someone else less desireable than your original crush.

male symbol fatguyradioshow.com cory blaze
"The Male".

The first thing your male friend will consider is rather or not he wants to bang her. Once its established he doesn't, your boy goes to work getting the low down on your secret crush. However, there is a risk - that your crush discovers an undiscovered desire for your male friend. Every guy knows, once a female reveals she has a feeling for a guy, he's instantly all in. Resulting in you being on the side lines looking for another crush to covet.

Let me hear from you, what's your thoughts. Who do you send to do the digging? Male or Female.

PS: I know you should just walk up to the person and express yourself, but hell - we ain't all got it like that.

Leave your comments.

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