Gettin Over Jiggy Wit It

Will Smith, among the gay and devorce rumors circulating around the web, while out premiering Men In Black 3 in Moscow gets tongue tied with an over eager reporter... well almost. See Will's reaction. Classic.


What gets me about this is watch the leopard shaw wearing yenta in the background, most likely one of his international handlers. Her reaction is priceless. It seems as if she is both confused and appalled at the same time. Confused as to why the reporter, in a clearly over flamboyant white jacket, attempted to lip lock Will Smith. Also she appears appalled at why Will would react the way he did. To cover her ass, she whispered something to another yenta so that the cameras would show she attempted to do something. What that something is... well, we'll never know. 

Not to fail in mentioning the bald thoughtless red tie wearing "security guard" doing absolutely nothing. Sure Will felt protected by that overpaid zilch. Keep your hands cuffed in front of you, no need to rush to the aid of the celebrity your suppose to protect from herpe-laiden reporters. 

I have many listeners overseas for my show and sexuality is viewed very differently than here in the US. It may be customary to kiss another man on the lips in a greeting. I know the double cheek kiss is very well known in some countries and has even infiltrated into the US. 

Another observation of the video, the reporter that tried to lock lips with the alien slayer - notice how no one comes to his aid. No one gave two cents to his shenanigans. It's what he does and obviously everyone there is accustom to it other than Will Smith. Let's see if the media runs with this, the reporter files a law suit, and Will has to stroke a check (pardon the pun) to silence this guy... oh wait, the US is the only litigious society. That guys jumping for joy to the fact he got slapped by a big American black guy. Unless some ambulance chaser greases his palms while pushing him to sue. Who knows. Will was just in his reaction, I would have slapped him too. But it would have been more like a love tap-call me later-bring some jolly ranchers. 

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