Idiot Parents Put Kid in Washing Machine

You are not going to believe this. Two "parents" at a public laundrymat, some know it as a coin-op, decided to stick their diaper sporting child into a front loading washing machine... and they close the door.  Any idiot knows what happens when you close the door of an industrial front load heavy duty washing machine... IT COMES ON!

Warning this video may disturb some viewers.

This is a classic example of why some people should not breed. Now as always I like to break the video down and point out some highlights you may have missed.

Luckily the child was not hurt and the parents have not been charged with endangerment of a child. This is obviously a case for CPS, however I say that with reserve because it would result in another kid stuck in the "vicious system".

But if the kid ever got out line, just make him do laundry.

This is a nomination for the dumb-ass of the week award heard on the next kid in washing machine idiot parents

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