Russell Westbrook Big Top Showcase

Next to Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook is the man. I can not be more elated that OKC knocked off the *akers from the playoffs. But to really kick it in the teeth my boy Russell pulls off a shot that turned anything the *akers wanted to do up side down. Check this out... and pay attention to his reaction afterwards.

When I saw this happen live, I knew something magical was going to happen that night. I love me some OKC, except when they beat the Suns (I'm a homer what can I saasdfy).

I'm so proud of the Oklahoma City Thunder, going to the Western Conference Finals. It's going to be a tuff road to tow going up against San Antonio, but I have the faith in OKC to give it all they have.

Go OKC. You've got my support! Let's hear it Thunder!!!

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