1-800 Choke a Hoe

Headline reads "Divorcee Paints ex's SUV, Sells His Stuff in Cathartic Yard Sale". As seen in the picture the side of this SUV is spray painted with the word cheater, accompanied by other words.
Look this is obviously the work of a woman scored, but she did all this in her front yard. What the hell was she trying to accomplish? If she wanted to out cheating ex-husband wouldn't it have been more cathartic to do it where he could see it, like his front yard? Plus, who got the SUV in the divorce? If she did, is she going to drive that spraypainted disaster around town now? What the hell was she thinking?

This is a classic example of stupid people marrying genitalia instead of a heart. The article does not state what age this woman is but I would bank she is under the age of 30. Because no matter how eff'd up a relationship becomes a mature person over 30 is not going to react like this.

So the police show up and bail her out of the mess. They tow the truck, at tax payers expense and cleaned up the yard. She wanted to make an ass out of the poor bastard that wedded this crazy bitch and she ended up making an ass out of herself. She should be slapped with a fine. He probably cheated with her much younger and more attractive sister... or her brother.

Here's the full article

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