Weekends Suck Because They End

Like most people I have a very select group of people I surround myself with and that I can call friends. Not everyone is in the "inner circle" but the ones that are, really make the weekends so much fun. Anyone over 30 years old should pretty much have that set of friends... your road dogs. You call them on a last minute to come help out with a car or just to sit, throw some food on the grill and toss back a few or 20. Whatever it is, it makes the weekend worth it.

You remember that last 5 minutes of Friday afternoon ticking away on the clock. When the clock struck 5pm, your energy level skyrocketed from 0 to 60 in under 5 secs.

I like having low key weekends also, however my boys weekends are super exciting. I'm always brow-beat into doing something I may not otherwise do. I call it an adventure. You come together in a single location and immediately resort to your 7th grade adolescent mindset. You become invincible and ironman at the same time.  

The reason I say weekends suck because they have to end. Maybe you can relate, when you've had a spectacular weekend, be it with friends, family, loved ones, you hate to have the great time end. It's that old saying "all good things must come to an end". I hate that saying! But I'm too old and can't afford to have the "good things" continue on past the weekend my last name is not Kardashian. 

Have you ever just said to yourself, "man, I wish it could be like this all the time?" I've said it, many times. However there's this thing called reality. Everyone has a different reality once the weekend has ended. Some return to job hunting. While others return to jobs, some reluctantly. Some may have to return to school on Monday while others have to return to a place far away. 

My inner circle friends, know, that I hate saying goodbye. I know another weekend is coming in 5 days, but I still hate having to walk my friends to their cars, give a handshake or a hug and send them on their way to return to their reality. 

The world has gone on for millions of years and over 2 thousand years now there has always been Mondays I bet they sucked back then too. Adam & Eve probably ate the fruit... on a Monday. 

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