Michael Jackson's Costumes Sold Comments

Well the story about Michael Jackson’s costumes being sold is not compelling in itself, but the aftermath and comments posted by readers of a simple Music News post on MSN.com.

I can’t help but to express my concern for some of my fellow humans. Some people take every opportunity they can to share and express hate, distain, and judgment.

It’s very well documented on my show, fatguyradioshow.com, that I am a fan of Michael Jackson and always will be. The entire world knows of his alleged pass, I’m not excusing. But folks, we all have past.

In the comments section of this MSN.com posting the hate (not in the slang sense, literally hate) against another person is disconcerting in the lease.  Comments like “child molester”, “sick****”, “go kill yourself”, and “little kid poop wiener”.

First I’m disturbed that MSN.com doesn’t have a stronger filter, but most importantly it’s an article about Michael Jackson’s costumes being exhibited and sold. What does that have to do with MJ’s alleged past? Take note that one guy, really seeding the opinionated comments, has the screen name of “I love malt liquor and chicken” with the aviator of a black man’s face and the words “mah nigga” captioned. Why?! Someone with that type of screen name and aviator, why would you engage this person? If someone doesn’t have the understanding of an appropriate screen name to be used on a reputable site as MSN.com, it’s obvious this person is not going to post intellectual comments and will engage you back with the same level of thinking he used when he chose his screen name. However, he’s not the only one in the comments; there are others that have spot lit Michael’s alleged past.

It’s well known of Michaels alleged past and I use the words alleged because he was never convicted of anything. Someone may say, “he paid off his attorneys to get him off the charges”. Duh. Of course he paid off his attorneys; they’re not going to work for free. If someone still believes Michael is guilty of child molestation yet he was never convicted in a US court of law, you might want to ask yourself who failed who. Michael didn’t fail you, our judicial system failed you. And allow me to squash the “celebrity justice” thing here also. If for a second you have concluded in your mind that Michael’s celebrity got him off, you’re sadly mistaken. Can I remind you of a guy named Michael Vick. Celebrity, with money – at the time, they threw the book at him. How many damn celebrity mug shots do you see posted across the internet? Celebrities, for the most part, get the same treatment as the rest of us. But here’s the big kicker: DON’T DO ANYTHING AND YOU’LL NEVER HAVE TO FIND OUT IF THE SYSTEM IS FAIR OR NOT. However, if you feel Michael Jackson got off from the charges because of the judicial system, instead of raising your voice anonymously on the internet, take your “passion” to the courts. Go change the laws. Make it nearly impossible for anyone to get off a child molestation charge civilian or celebrity. Don’t continue to live in the past of what if’s, move forward and create or change laws for the now and future. We can argue if Michael was guilty or not guilty until the kingdom comes, but if the laws are not in place to ensure a strong judicial system then our argument is all for not.

Why post such strongly worded personal opinions on an article about his costumes being displayed and sold? Pick your platforms. It not only shows your intelligence, but your judgment. Comments listed like this will have a profound effect on the youth of today that may have never know who Michael Jackson was. So when the 2 year old today Google searched Michael Jackson in 5 years, they get rewarded with this hated laden comments section. You want to preserve children from predatory people, but think about what your choice of words and allegations are doing to their minds.

Every person walking this earth has a past. What if they took your past, posted it on the internet, let your family & kids read it. The internet is the world’s best invention, but many people can take it and make it our biggest mistake. Not to mention the respect for the deceased and his children.

Classic Example of the dumbing down of society. Why man up and make a change to the laws when you can coward behind your computer monitor.

UPDATE: "I like malt liquor and chicken" has changed his profile name to "captain save-a-ho", furthermore providing us with a clear cut expression of his maturity level and understanding of respectable disagreement. I'm also happy to report other readers of MSN.com have stopped engaging him in this comment thread. 

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