Our way of saying thank you for supporting us through our first year and we have many more years to go, so continue to spread the word! FatGuyRadioShow.com
a blog by Cory Blaze host of Arizona's newest radio show FatGuyRadioShow on fatguyradioshow.com. he says what you're thinking but afraid to say. free speech rocks.
1 Year Anniversary Celebration
On fatguryadioshow.com we have delivered to you a new show every night this week. If you haven't had a chance to check them out... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! Lots of special guest including a few celebrity stops.
Our way of saying thank you for supporting us through our first year and we have many more years to go, so continue to spread the word! FatGuyRadioShow.com
Our way of saying thank you for supporting us through our first year and we have many more years to go, so continue to spread the word! FatGuyRadioShow.com
Justin Bieber Suffers Concussion in Paris
We hope the little guy is okay, of course anytime something happens with a mega-star the speculators come out of the woodwork with their most off the wall explanation.
Our message to Justin, "if its true - we wish you a speedy recovery buddy" and please accept our invitation to guest on fatguyradioshow.com
Here's the most creditable story we found here.
Our message to Justin, "if its true - we wish you a speedy recovery buddy" and please accept our invitation to guest on fatguyradioshow.com
Here's the most creditable story we found here.
Getting Back to the Blog
Sorry, there hasn't been an update in awhile. The week long Anniversary shows on fatguyradioshow.com really took me away from blogging. But I'm getting back to the blog. Please accept my apology.
- Cory
- Cory
On Tomorrows FatGuyRadioShow
You do not want to miss this one. Dag nabbit its going to be a good show... with good food.
Listen in on fatguyradioshow.com
‘Dog the Bounty Hunter’ Canceled
So long Dog the Bounty Hunter...

I am a fan of the TV show and a fan of Duane Dog Chapman. My viewing of the show slowed after the episode of Baby Lyssa being arrested for public intoxication aired. Not because of her arrest, just because I felt the show was taking a turn towards becoming like every other "scripted drama show". Honestly I felt that the show has piddled on catching fugitives and was migrating to a more personal life drama series. The reason I watched Dog the Bounty Hunter was for the chases and the "fix em' before you leave em" approach, I wasn't feeling the drama twist that followed the baby Lyssa episode.
The show began featuring the feud between Dog, Leland, and Duane Lee, with the climax of Duane Lee being fired from the team, then being coached back. But ending in Leland and Duane Lee leaving the business and the show. Then the onset of Dogs younger daughter Leslie coming into the picture I knew at that time the show has ran its course.
It seems to me that maybe some suit and tie in NewYork decided that catching fugitives alone was no longer enough, there was no drama in that. So, said person stuck their nose and devised a scripted divide between the family. It clearly didn't work. Unfortunately Dog and his family are now the only ones being effected by this idiot producer who has a piece of paper in a frame on a wall somewhere still drawing a check and moving on to the next A&E show he/she can destroy.
This was a good show and I feel that A&E has made a mistake and left us with Duck Dynasty... really A&E, you've lost touch with your audience.
Knowing Dog and what he stands for he will continue his quest in catching, fixing and releasing. And do not be surprised to find Dog and his full crew, including young Blood, out on the streets of Hawaii. God speed Dog, if its in your heart like you've said it is, cameras or no cameras - where mercy is shown, mercy is given.
Relationship Show
Coming Soon a Relationship Post. It may be an audio or video post, but I've got to address some relationship issues I see happening around me everyday. Maybe this will help some people and others... a good laugh.
Coming soon, here on AfterTheLevels.com
1 Year Anniversary "We Survived"
My internet radio show, FatGuyRadioShow, celebrates its 1 year anniversary with a week long of shows. Join me along with my little brother lil D and Phillipious, our executive producer. The week of May 28. Hear a new show everyday.
Get the shows as soon as they are released by subscribing to the show via iTunes.
Special thanks to all who have stood by us over the last year, we continue to trek forward and grow this product. Please spread the word.
Happy Anniversary FatGuyRadioShow
Get the shows as soon as they are released by subscribing to the show via iTunes.
Special thanks to all who have stood by us over the last year, we continue to trek forward and grow this product. Please spread the word.
Happy Anniversary FatGuyRadioShow
Hit by a Car Then Buried Alive
Normally when we think of China, we think advanced technology, smart minds, innovation and of course iPad makers. But there are a few dumb-asses still left in the country and here is a story about two of them.
Woman survives being hit by car only to be buried alive
Citizens in China are mourning both an unidentified 68-year-old woman and the decline of their collective social conscience. The woman was struck by a car driven by an intoxicated couple on their way back from "an all-night karaoke session." Despite assuring a witness that they would take the woman to the hospital, the couple -- who believed she was dead -- chose instead to bury her beside the road. When her body was discovered, authorities were horrified to learn that the victim had been buried alive and suffocated. "People of China, how have you come to this?" one social media user commented.
Russell Westbrook Big Top Showcase
Next to Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook is the man. I can not be more elated that OKC knocked off the *akers from the playoffs. But to really kick it in the teeth my boy Russell pulls off a shot that turned anything the *akers wanted to do up side down. Check this out... and pay attention to his reaction afterwards.
When I saw this happen live, I knew something magical was going to happen that night. I love me some OKC, except when they beat the Suns (I'm a homer what can I saasdfy).
I'm so proud of the Oklahoma City Thunder, going to the Western Conference Finals. It's going to be a tuff road to tow going up against San Antonio, but I have the faith in OKC to give it all they have.
Go OKC. You've got my support! Let's hear it Thunder!!!
When I saw this happen live, I knew something magical was going to happen that night. I love me some OKC, except when they beat the Suns (I'm a homer what can I saasdfy).
I'm so proud of the Oklahoma City Thunder, going to the Western Conference Finals. It's going to be a tuff road to tow going up against San Antonio, but I have the faith in OKC to give it all they have.
Go OKC. You've got my support! Let's hear it Thunder!!!
Idiot Parents Put Kid in Washing Machine
You are not going to believe this. Two "parents" at a public laundrymat, some know it as a coin-op, decided to stick their diaper sporting child into a front loading washing machine... and they close the door. Any idiot knows what happens when you close the door of an industrial front load heavy duty washing machine... IT COMES ON!
Warning this video may disturb some viewers.
This is a classic example of why some people should not breed. Now as always I like to break the video down and point out some highlights you may have missed.
Luckily the child was not hurt and the parents have not been charged with endangerment of a child. This is obviously a case for CPS, however I say that with reserve because it would result in another kid stuck in the "vicious system".
But if the kid ever got out line, just make him do laundry.
This is a nomination for the dumb-ass of the week award heard on the next fatguyradioshow.com
Warning this video may disturb some viewers.
This is a classic example of why some people should not breed. Now as always I like to break the video down and point out some highlights you may have missed.
Luckily the child was not hurt and the parents have not been charged with endangerment of a child. This is obviously a case for CPS, however I say that with reserve because it would result in another kid stuck in the "vicious system".
But if the kid ever got out line, just make him do laundry.
This is a nomination for the dumb-ass of the week award heard on the next fatguyradioshow.com
Nik West In Studio
Here are a few photos from Nik West Appearance on FatGuyRadioShow.com
Make sure to check out Nik West on FatGuyRadioShow.com and on nikwestbass.com
Fresh Prince Rap Song
Who doesn't remember that Thursday evening mounting in front of the tv and waiting for the Fresh Prince of Belare to come on. We all sang along... you know you did. Here's Will Smith doing it again. It's iconic, dispite all the rumors in the media right now. I dare you to not sing along, and to help you in the dare I've listed all the words.
Now this is a the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-air
In west Philadelphia born and raise
On the playground is where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, they were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said you're moving with you auntie and uncle in Bel-air
I whistle for a cab and when it came near the
License plate said fresh and have a dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this car was rare
But I though nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air!
I pull up to the house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabby yo, homes smell you later
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air
I'm sure you knew, there was actually a full track version of this intro song released. It's has a few extra verses to it, pretty cool also. You can say what you will about Will, but you can't knock the fact he is who he is.
On Tonights Show!
On Tonights Show, special in studio guest Nik West! Bassist, Vocalist, Model and Friend. I'm truly excited to having her on the show.
He Fathered 30 Kids
Now this dude is the poster child for a swinging dick! Desmond Hatchett, also known as the worlds most fertile man, has fathered 30 kids in the last 14 years. Before reading the article at the end of this post, you won't believe how much money he makes... minimum wage.
Blunt Alert! Desmond must be "swinging for the fences" under the belt, if you know what I mean. This dude is putting it on the women. 30 kids from 11 different women. That's an average of 3 kids per woman, with his oldest being 14.
Let me paint a picture of Desmonds sperm.
There is a video that is attached to this article and you get to hear Mr. Hatchett speak - you can tell why he has so many kids, there's not a lot going on upstairs so downstairs is where he finds his validation.
These women that bed this dude are as big of an idiot as they come. In the video piece linked below, he claims all the women knew what they were getting into when he took them to the bone orchard. Clearly they have no self validation either. And our tax dollars are stepping in because this eff-stick can't keep his dick in his pants. This is where I draw the line because now its in my pockets and my kids pockets. I have the solution... castration. He won't stop, the video below was a news piece done three years ago, since then he's had four more children.
Enough said. Read the article you'll enjoy it. Remember, he makes minimum wage so he's crying to the courts to let up on his child support responsibilities. What they need to do, is refer this cat to Hugh Hefner because we obviously know what his good at.
Blunt Alert! Desmond must be "swinging for the fences" under the belt, if you know what I mean. This dude is putting it on the women. 30 kids from 11 different women. That's an average of 3 kids per woman, with his oldest being 14.
Let me paint a picture of Desmonds sperm.
There is a video that is attached to this article and you get to hear Mr. Hatchett speak - you can tell why he has so many kids, there's not a lot going on upstairs so downstairs is where he finds his validation.
These women that bed this dude are as big of an idiot as they come. In the video piece linked below, he claims all the women knew what they were getting into when he took them to the bone orchard. Clearly they have no self validation either. And our tax dollars are stepping in because this eff-stick can't keep his dick in his pants. This is where I draw the line because now its in my pockets and my kids pockets. I have the solution... castration. He won't stop, the video below was a news piece done three years ago, since then he's had four more children.
Enough said. Read the article you'll enjoy it. Remember, he makes minimum wage so he's crying to the courts to let up on his child support responsibilities. What they need to do, is refer this cat to Hugh Hefner because we obviously know what his good at.
1-800 Choke a Hoe
Headline reads "Divorcee Paints ex's SUV, Sells His Stuff in Cathartic Yard Sale". As seen in the picture the side of this SUV is spray painted with the word cheater, accompanied by other words.
Look this is obviously the work of a woman scored, but she did all this in her front yard. What the hell was she trying to accomplish? If she wanted to out cheating ex-husband wouldn't it have been more cathartic to do it where he could see it, like his front yard? Plus, who got the SUV in the divorce? If she did, is she going to drive that spraypainted disaster around town now? What the hell was she thinking?
This is a classic example of stupid people marrying genitalia instead of a heart. The article does not state what age this woman is but I would bank she is under the age of 30. Because no matter how eff'd up a relationship becomes a mature person over 30 is not going to react like this.
So the police show up and bail her out of the mess. They tow the truck, at tax payers expense and cleaned up the yard. She wanted to make an ass out of the poor bastard that wedded this crazy bitch and she ended up making an ass out of herself. She should be slapped with a fine. He probably cheated with her much younger and more attractive sister... or her brother.
Here's the full article
Look this is obviously the work of a woman scored, but she did all this in her front yard. What the hell was she trying to accomplish? If she wanted to out cheating ex-husband wouldn't it have been more cathartic to do it where he could see it, like his front yard? Plus, who got the SUV in the divorce? If she did, is she going to drive that spraypainted disaster around town now? What the hell was she thinking?
This is a classic example of stupid people marrying genitalia instead of a heart. The article does not state what age this woman is but I would bank she is under the age of 30. Because no matter how eff'd up a relationship becomes a mature person over 30 is not going to react like this.
So the police show up and bail her out of the mess. They tow the truck, at tax payers expense and cleaned up the yard. She wanted to make an ass out of the poor bastard that wedded this crazy bitch and she ended up making an ass out of herself. She should be slapped with a fine. He probably cheated with her much younger and more attractive sister... or her brother.
Here's the full article
Truth or Tell
Do you remember the old TV game show To Tell the Truth? You might not speaking it aired from 1954-1968, but there has been many ongoing gags about its concept. The concept of the game show was to determine the obscure occupation of someone. What made it fun, it was celebrities guessing.
I feel as if I play to tell the truth every day. No this post it not about a game show, its about how people nowadays expect you to lie to them. Because if you tell the truth - you do more damage.
I have a talk radio show on fatguyradioshow.com, no one is immune from my comedy not even myself. I've never been a person to walk around on egg shells. If you ask me a question you will get an answer; you expect an answer right? But do you expect a certain answer or the truth.
On a daily basis I get called to the carpet about something I've said, rather it be a friend or a co-worker. I always give a truthful answer. Ladies this is a warning to you, if you ask me if that outfit makes you look fat - if it does, I'm going to say yes. Don't ask a dumbass loaded question just to phish for a specific answer. If you look rediculous, wouldn't I be doing you a disservice by allowing you to go out into public where others will silently judge and mock you? What feels worse, the spoken truth or the hidden truth?
If you're a redblooded God-fearing American, you do the same as I do... PAY TAXES. So you have purchased your constitutional right to FREEDOM OF SPEACH. You can only control what you say, you can't control how someone else hears it.
Speak Up, Speak Truth
I feel as if I play to tell the truth every day. No this post it not about a game show, its about how people nowadays expect you to lie to them. Because if you tell the truth - you do more damage.
I have a talk radio show on fatguyradioshow.com, no one is immune from my comedy not even myself. I've never been a person to walk around on egg shells. If you ask me a question you will get an answer; you expect an answer right? But do you expect a certain answer or the truth.
On a daily basis I get called to the carpet about something I've said, rather it be a friend or a co-worker. I always give a truthful answer. Ladies this is a warning to you, if you ask me if that outfit makes you look fat - if it does, I'm going to say yes. Don't ask a dumbass loaded question just to phish for a specific answer. If you look rediculous, wouldn't I be doing you a disservice by allowing you to go out into public where others will silently judge and mock you? What feels worse, the spoken truth or the hidden truth?
If you're a redblooded God-fearing American, you do the same as I do... PAY TAXES. So you have purchased your constitutional right to FREEDOM OF SPEACH. You can only control what you say, you can't control how someone else hears it.
Speak Up, Speak Truth
Gettin Over Jiggy Wit It
Will Smith, among the gay and devorce rumors circulating around the web, while out premiering Men In Black 3 in Moscow gets tongue tied with an over eager reporter... well almost. See Will's reaction. Classic.
Credit: TMZ.com
What gets me about this is watch the leopard shaw wearing yenta in the background, most likely one of his international handlers. Her reaction is priceless. It seems as if she is both confused and appalled at the same time. Confused as to why the reporter, in a clearly over flamboyant white jacket, attempted to lip lock Will Smith. Also she appears appalled at why Will would react the way he did. To cover her ass, she whispered something to another yenta so that the cameras would show she attempted to do something. What that something is... well, we'll never know.
Not to fail in mentioning the bald thoughtless red tie wearing "security guard" doing absolutely nothing. Sure Will felt protected by that overpaid zilch. Keep your hands cuffed in front of you, no need to rush to the aid of the celebrity your suppose to protect from herpe-laiden reporters.
I have many listeners overseas for my show fatguyradioshow.com and sexuality is viewed very differently than here in the US. It may be customary to kiss another man on the lips in a greeting. I know the double cheek kiss is very well known in some countries and has even infiltrated into the US.
Another observation of the video, the reporter that tried to lock lips with the alien slayer - notice how no one comes to his aid. No one gave two cents to his shenanigans. It's what he does and obviously everyone there is accustom to it other than Will Smith. Let's see if the media runs with this, the reporter files a law suit, and Will has to stroke a check (pardon the pun) to silence this guy... oh wait, the US is the only litigious society. That guys jumping for joy to the fact he got slapped by a big American black guy. Unless some ambulance chaser greases his palms while pushing him to sue. Who knows. Will was just in his reaction, I would have slapped him too. But it would have been more like a love tap-call me later-bring some jolly ranchers.
Safe Home Donna Summers
BREAKING NEWS! The disco queen passes away away at 63. Way too soon. Our prayers are with her close family and friends.
Read the article here
Read the article here
Who's Better for Digging?
Here's the scenario:
You have a secret crush on someone and you want to see if you even have a chance.
Which sex is better for doing your digging? Male or Female
Here's my take:
"The Female".
The first thing you have to consider is if the "female" gumshoe you're about to hire is single or in a relationship. If the female is single, her first thought is going to be why isn't he interested in me. Which may result in her sabataging the entire process.
If she's in a relationship, you run the risk of the girl doing a complete comparison of the person you're into and deciding herself it would never work. Resulting in her trying to fix you up with someone else less desireable than your original crush.
"The Male".
The first thing your male friend will consider is rather or not he wants to bang her. Once its established he doesn't, your boy goes to work getting the low down on your secret crush. However, there is a risk - that your crush discovers an undiscovered desire for your male friend. Every guy knows, once a female reveals she has a feeling for a guy, he's instantly all in. Resulting in you being on the side lines looking for another crush to covet.
Let me hear from you, what's your thoughts. Who do you send to do the digging? Male or Female.
PS: I know you should just walk up to the person and express yourself, but hell - we ain't all got it like that.
Leave your comments.
Michael Jackson's Costumes Sold Comments
Well the story about Michael Jackson’s costumes being sold
is not compelling in itself, but the aftermath and comments posted by readers
of a simple Music News post on MSN.com.
I can’t help but to express my concern for some of my fellow
humans. Some people take every opportunity they can to share and express hate,
distain, and judgment.
It’s very well documented on my show, fatguyradioshow.com,
that I am a fan of Michael Jackson and always will be. The entire world knows
of his alleged pass, I’m not excusing. But folks, we all have past.
In the comments section of this MSN.com posting the hate
(not in the slang sense, literally hate) against another person is
disconcerting in the lease. Comments
like “child molester”, “sick****”, “go kill yourself”, and “little kid poop
First I’m disturbed that MSN.com doesn’t have a stronger
filter, but most importantly it’s an article about Michael Jackson’s costumes being exhibited and
sold. What does that have to do with MJ’s alleged past? Take note that one guy,
really seeding the opinionated comments, has the screen name of “I love malt
liquor and chicken” with the aviator of a black man’s face and the words “mah
nigga” captioned. Why?! Someone with that type of screen name and aviator, why would
you engage this person? If someone doesn’t have the understanding of an
appropriate screen name to be used on a reputable site as MSN.com, it’s obvious
this person is not going to post intellectual comments and will engage you back
with the same level of thinking he used when he chose his screen name. However,
he’s not the only one in the comments; there are others that have spot lit Michael’s
alleged past.
It’s well known of Michaels alleged past and I use the words
alleged because he was never convicted of anything. Someone may say, “he paid
off his attorneys to get him off the charges”. Duh. Of course he paid off his attorneys;
they’re not going to work for free. If someone still believes Michael is guilty
of child molestation yet he was never convicted in a US court of law, you might
want to ask yourself who failed who. Michael didn’t fail you, our judicial
system failed you. And allow me to squash the “celebrity justice” thing here
also. If for a second you have concluded in your mind that Michael’s celebrity
got him off, you’re sadly mistaken. Can I remind you of a guy named Michael
Vick. Celebrity, with money – at the time, they threw the book at him. How many
damn celebrity mug shots do you see posted across the internet? Celebrities,
for the most part, get the same treatment as the rest of us. But here’s the big
FAIR OR NOT. However, if you feel Michael Jackson got off from the charges
because of the judicial system, instead of raising your voice anonymously on
the internet, take your “passion” to the courts. Go change the laws. Make it
nearly impossible for anyone to get off a child molestation charge civilian or
celebrity. Don’t continue to live in the past of what if’s, move forward and
create or change laws for the now and future. We can argue if Michael was
guilty or not guilty until the kingdom comes, but if the laws are not in place
to ensure a strong judicial system then our argument is all for not.
Why post such strongly worded personal opinions on an article
about his costumes being displayed and sold? Pick your platforms. It not only
shows your intelligence, but your judgment. Comments listed like this will have
a profound effect on the youth of today that may have never know who Michael
Jackson was. So when the 2 year old today Google searched Michael Jackson in 5
years, they get rewarded with this hated laden comments section. You want to
preserve children from predatory people, but think about what your choice of
words and allegations are doing to their minds.
Every person walking this earth has a past. What if they
took your past, posted it on the internet, let your family & kids read it.
The internet is the world’s best invention, but many people can take it and
make it our biggest mistake. Not to mention the respect for the deceased and
his children.
Classic Example of the dumbing down of society. Why man up and make a change to the laws when you can coward behind your computer monitor.
UPDATE: "I like malt liquor and chicken" has changed his profile name to "captain save-a-ho", furthermore providing us with a clear cut expression of his maturity level and understanding of respectable disagreement. I'm also happy to report other readers of MSN.com have stopped engaging him in this comment thread.
Weekends Suck Because They End
Like most people I have a very select group of people I surround myself with and that I can call friends. Not everyone is in the "inner circle" but the ones that are, really make the weekends so much fun. Anyone over 30 years old should pretty much have that set of friends... your road dogs. You call them on a last minute to come help out with a car or just to sit, throw some food on the grill and toss back a few or 20. Whatever it is, it makes the weekend worth it.
You remember that last 5 minutes of Friday afternoon ticking away on the clock. When the clock struck 5pm, your energy level skyrocketed from 0 to 60 in under 5 secs.
I like having low key weekends also, however my boys weekends are super exciting. I'm always brow-beat into doing something I may not otherwise do. I call it an adventure. You come together in a single location and immediately resort to your 7th grade adolescent mindset. You become invincible and ironman at the same time.
The reason I say weekends suck because they have to end. Maybe you can relate, when you've had a spectacular weekend, be it with friends, family, loved ones, you hate to have the great time end. It's that old saying "all good things must come to an end". I hate that saying! But I'm too old and can't afford to have the "good things" continue on past the weekend my last name is not Kardashian.
Have you ever just said to yourself, "man, I wish it could be like this all the time?" I've said it, many times. However there's this thing called reality. Everyone has a different reality once the weekend has ended. Some return to job hunting. While others return to jobs, some reluctantly. Some may have to return to school on Monday while others have to return to a place far away.
My inner circle friends, know, that I hate saying goodbye. I know another weekend is coming in 5 days, but I still hate having to walk my friends to their cars, give a handshake or a hug and send them on their way to return to their reality.
The world has gone on for millions of years and over 2 thousand years now there has always been Mondays I bet they sucked back then too. Adam & Eve probably ate the fruit... on a Monday.
New Show Posted "8lb Vemma Overload"
New show posted on fatguyradioshow.com "8lb Vemma Overload". Learn more about Vemma Bode by clicking here.
Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers, both on earth and heaven. I honor you today.
Weigh In Day Tomorrow
Well, I have completed the first week of the Vemma Bode program. You can find more information about the program here. It's been an adjustment as most would expect with a new diet program that is geared to changing your life.
Tomorrow on the show lil D and I weigh in. I can't say I'm not a little concerned because Vemma Bode does alert you that the first week you may not experience any weight loss due to the water consumtion. It would be a little of a blow to my confidence if I haven't lost at least one pound in the last week.
I will take to the scale at the top of the show and every week for the entirety of the Vemma Bode program. Understandably a lot of you are waiting as I am to see if this program works. There are so many programs out there, if you're anything like me you wonder which works and which does not. Well, we shall both see tomorrow at the same time. No BS or tricks. Vemma is clearly aware that if the program does not work everyone will know. But my outlook is positive as I feel completely different than I did when I began this process and if there is no weight loss on the first week, yes it may dampen my spirits but it will not kill my drive. I'll just strive harder the next week.
Finger crossed and knees bent that something has happened. Listen in tomorrow to FatGuyRadioShow for the first week results.
Also, wonder if lil D has gained any weight. Last week he lost, but it was the first. To recap here were our first weigh in:
Lil D = 145.2 lbs | Cory Blaze = 300.4 lbs
2 Reasons I Love the NBA
Reason 1:
Rajon obvious told this dumb ass cameraman to stop filming earlier, since we don't see that footage, he stopped. But then fired the camera back up and Rajon said something. Go Rajon. I'm a camera operator too and filming a basketball player after a tuff loss is violative in iteself. So now I wonder how long it will be before the cameraman Rajon approached is being interviewed by the Today show?
And why the hell didn't the security guard, friend, who ever that milk dude is that Rajon pointed out the face the cameraman was filming? That's the guy that should have nicely walked over to the camera operator, said "please stop filming Rajon, he will give a press conference at such and suck time". But now, his equally laxidazal self let Rajon do it. People don't think anymore.
Hats off Rajon, next time you should Ron Artest'd him - elbow to the back of his head. He's a cameraman, none of us are smart.
Read entire story here
Reason 2:
This has got to be the single coolest thing. Now he must really have a tent in his pants for Tony Parker, well who wouldn't (have you seen his ass jumping off that boat), to do this in his head. If you look closely I believe some coloring was done to highlight the cut. It's pretty cool, this is NBA love.
Bad thing is, it's going to look like crap in two weeks and he'll have to shave his head.
Read the entire story here.
PS: Sorry for the annoying Yahoo girl, she comes with the video.
Can't Fix Crazy
Well, folks... you can't fix crazy. Check out this wack job here.
You pay upwards to $4,000 - $6,000 for court side seats to a playoff game, just to get thrown out the arena; charged with trespassing cause her crazy ass wasn't suppose to ever get back into the arena. This lady wants her some basketball loving.
This is my take on it: She looks like a well put together woman. I think someone on the team, past or present, hit that and knocked it out the park. Made her toes curl up, eyes roll into the back of her head, then the bounced! We call that a "pump & dump" (thanks Tom Lykis) Now she's "d***twisted" and they won't give it to her again. She can't deal with it, so like every other crazy as woman - they show up at your job!
Crazy basketball lady will get her an NBA player one or two ways, voluntarily or involuntary manslaughter.
Oh yeah, Craig Sager - don't you think it's time to switch to radio? The camera is not nice to you. I'm just saying.
This is my take on it: She looks like a well put together woman. I think someone on the team, past or present, hit that and knocked it out the park. Made her toes curl up, eyes roll into the back of her head, then the bounced! We call that a "pump & dump" (thanks Tom Lykis) Now she's "d***twisted" and they won't give it to her again. She can't deal with it, so like every other crazy as woman - they show up at your job!
Crazy basketball lady will get her an NBA player one or two ways, voluntarily or involuntary manslaughter.
Oh yeah, Craig Sager - don't you think it's time to switch to radio? The camera is not nice to you. I'm just saying.
Safe home Maurice Sendak
The world is a little less imaginative today. We've lost a treasure. Safe home Maurice Sendak the author of 'Where The Wild Things Are'.
Where The Wild Things Are was the first book I ever remember readying from cover to cover. I recall sitting in my fourth grade classes Tuesday reading circle. Our teach Mrs. Dixie Parrish (still friends today) would take us over to the library, we'd get a book, and if you had enough gold stars on the board you were picked to reach your story out loud. The week I knew I had enough gold stars and was going to read, my first book of choice was Where The Wild Things Are!
When they turned to book into a full featured movie back in 2009, I was the first in line on opening day.
Maurice Sendak is a name I will not forgot because I remember practicing how to say his last name with my fourth grade teacher as we walked back from the Dunbar Elementary school library on reading circle Tuesdays.
Where The Wild Things Are is a timeless story of a disobedient boy named Max being sent to bed without his supper. He then creates his own world, a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max at their ruler!
I solute Mr. Maurice Sendack. I will carry your story with me for years to come.
Where The Wild Things Are was the first book I ever remember readying from cover to cover. I recall sitting in my fourth grade classes Tuesday reading circle. Our teach Mrs. Dixie Parrish (still friends today) would take us over to the library, we'd get a book, and if you had enough gold stars on the board you were picked to reach your story out loud. The week I knew I had enough gold stars and was going to read, my first book of choice was Where The Wild Things Are!
When they turned to book into a full featured movie back in 2009, I was the first in line on opening day.
Maurice Sendak is a name I will not forgot because I remember practicing how to say his last name with my fourth grade teacher as we walked back from the Dunbar Elementary school library on reading circle Tuesdays.
Where The Wild Things Are is a timeless story of a disobedient boy named Max being sent to bed without his supper. He then creates his own world, a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max at their ruler!
I solute Mr. Maurice Sendack. I will carry your story with me for years to come.
My First Day
My first day on the Vemma Bode program has come to a close and I won't bs you... it was challenging. Understanding everything involved in this program presented me some worries.
Doing this in front of thousands of people is enough, but not going into it at 100% confidence is worse. It's a life style change and that never comes easy. I have to remind myself of what my grandmother has told me over and over, nothing worth having comes easy and anything that comes easy isn't worth having.
It was day one, not throwing in the towel and my mind being that way it is, I always look for the clear cut - straight up; non danced around facts!
So stay tuned to more and if you know my show, fatguyradioshow, I hold nothing back. We'll see.
Doing this in front of thousands of people is enough, but not going into it at 100% confidence is worse. It's a life style change and that never comes easy. I have to remind myself of what my grandmother has told me over and over, nothing worth having comes easy and anything that comes easy isn't worth having.
It was day one, not throwing in the towel and my mind being that way it is, I always look for the clear cut - straight up; non danced around facts!
So stay tuned to more and if you know my show, fatguyradioshow, I hold nothing back. We'll see.
Happy Cinco de Mayo
Happy Cinco de Mayo to everyone! Drink responsibly if you do drink! If you don't drink, well enjoy your cup of milk!
New show today, check it out on fatguyradioshow.com
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