Tomorrow is a big day in America, Election Day. Therefor the emails, Facebooks statuses, and Twitter feeds are blowing up with active support messages of the candidates.
One particular organization has really stepped up their game in embracing this political race… the religious organizations.
It's very well documented on AfterTheLevels that I am not a religious zealot. I have a strong faith base and attend church on a regular basis.
It's very alarming when any religious organization openly embraces government. Not just government as a whole a political side. Religion clearly drawing a line in the sand but its presented as "pray about who you should vote for"
They go wrong when they add that
but. It's so unacceptable for any religious organization to encourage their followers to vote for a certain person or cause. Why?
The first moment any government official steps out to change anything religious; religion cries out separation of church and state.
Religion shouldn't embrace government if government can't embrace religion. We all know what happens when the government embraces something… they change it.
It's only fair, right? Isn't that whats being preached, fairness?
I totally think its wrong for religion to say where they stand on government and/or politics, yet they won't allow government to say where they stand on religion.
Separation of church and state goes both ways, don't it?