Secession Petition Huh? Granted, Go Away

Since President Obama was re-elected 20 states have filed petitions to secede from the United States of America and establish their own government. Really people?

I understand that this happens most often than not, but why do we allow this. If you don't like how America is being run get the hell out!

government, petitions, secession,, cory blaze,
There should not be a way to tell our government that "(blank) state" no longer wants to be under your control so we are going to take the land, it's natural resources, the currency and start our own. That's bull!

If anyone is unhappy with this country, you shouldn't have the right to take the land - you have the right to get your non-patriot ass up and on the first plane to out.

The White House should take these petitions and make a bonfire out of them on the White House lawn. This is the most ridiculous time waste on the planet. How do we ever expect our government to make things better when we keep them distracted on useless petitions.

The roads leading out of the United States are not blocked. You can leave anytime you want. But I promise you… you'll want back in!

Source: Yahoo!®

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