Signs For Wanting More

Everyone at some point starts to notice a little something special about another person. Maybe its derived from a different type of touch or a different level of conversation. It's hard to gage if the advancements are friendly or signs for wanting more.

A reader wrote into me about a situation they are currently in. We will call the reader "Mark".

relationships questions,, cory blaze
Mark started a business with a friend which caused them to work very close together. Many late nights together, building, strategizing and developing. Mark started to notice the conversation between he and his business partner were getting very personal. At first he thought this was just in response to them growing closer as business partners, until one night a comment about changing a life style was made. 

After that night for weeks on weeks Mark's mind kept playing that comment made by his business partner over and over in his head. He couldn't shake it. Mark began trying to snap himself out of it. Telling himself, "Don't read more into it! This is your friend and business partner." However Mark just couldn't get past the comment. 

In Marks mind he started dreaming of what it would be like if a relationship developed between he and his business partner. Waking up in the morning with his bedroom at the perfect temperature for some morning snuggling. Cooking meals together while the TV played in the other room. Many different thoughts. 

One main thought that also remained in his head. What if it isn't a sign? Just two people talking openingly about relationships. Now Mark has a decision to make, was it a sign wanting more or just a passive comment. 

I know how Mark feels, I've been in these types of situation and they are very risky. You risk loosing a friend and a business partner by making it known what you're thinking or you miss the opportunity for your life to advance with someone special. My advise to Mark would be to stand firm and wait it out. Allow your business partner to make the first move, if they choose so. Then and only then will you truly know if it was a sign for wanting more.

Mark also never disclosed the sex of his business partner.

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