Venice Gets Flooded, People Get Naked

Venice, Italy knows how to take high tide flood waters and have a good time. The sexy country of Italy gets slammed by rain waters and high tide, resulting in parts of Venice square being submerged under as much as 3ft of water.

Do the Venetians and tourist hunker down in the event of a flood? Nope! They rip off their clothes and enjoy it. This is why I love Italy. No shame over there.

venice, italy, guy swimming, girl swimming,,, cory blaze, blog
 venice, italy, guy swimming, girl swimming,,, cory blaze, blog

"Hey honey, it's-a flood in the square! Let's get out of these clothes, expose our amazing Italian bodies and swim up to an outside bar." Why? Cause that's how sexy italians get down.

You can read the real post here and see the other pictures (of the clothed poeple, boring).

I love you Venice, you know how to do it right… get naked and swim!

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