Hey Macy's; Dump the Trump!

Over 500,000 signatures have been garnered on the petition to urge Macy's to sever their relationship with Donald Trump over his unpleasant, nasty and despicable behavior.

donald trump, getty images, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze,
Courtesy of Getty Images
Celebrities like Cher have taken up the fight releasing comments on her twitter sharing her support for Macy's to stop selling and promoting Donald Trumps signature line.

I stand behind this. Most Americans, well at least 500,000, are sick of this guys crap. He's a loud mouth blow hard and needs to be quieted. Let him take his money, hair, and limited vocabulary somewhere else. We've had enough and if Macy's is willing to tarnish their reputation by standing with Trump - we have the power to respond by not shopping Macy's.

On the other hand. If Macy's drops ties with Trump I will do free endorsements for Macy's on FatGuyRadioShow.

If you'd like to sign the petition, I've gladly provided a direct link here.

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