Less Money More Respect

This is a notice to all supervisors, managers, directors, VP’s, anyone who has a person working for them or with them that makes less than $20 per hour. I’ve posted in the past about Just Saying Hi to someone that is below you, now I want to focus on the respect aspect of someone making less money than you.
respect afterthelevels.com cory blaze
Allow me to focus on the cleaning crew in your building. There’s a good chance you don’t know who they are or even what they look like, possibly because they arrive in your building to clean after you have gone home.
This is not directed at just people in decision making positions; this is geared towards anyone that is knowingly aware of another co-worker that makes less money.
If you happen to run into that cleaning person by chance, maybe it’s your assistant or receptionist, or hell maybe the mail person. Have you ever thought about how they feel when you walk by them and not take the second of time to greet them? Have you ever considered that maybe they’d like to be asked how their weekend went? One bad habit I have noticed by many individuals I know, in a decision making position, will ignore the people making less money and suck the ass of the ones making more money. Quite frankly, it’s disgusting.
I’m not saying I’m the saint of the people, but I have gone out of my way to make our janitor Israel at the BDB Production Studios a special feature on my talk show. I find him very entertaining.
Look, a person that makes less money in corporate America deserve the respect of acknowledgement. You may not realize it, but lots of them look up to you and when you shrugged them off it effects their self esteem, image, and willingness. It can also leave them with the impression you have pasted judgment. Taking 20 seconds to say hello as you past them in the hallway, or leaving a note on your office door saying thank you and better yet, asking them how there weekend went. You will be surprised how much that affects another person.
Pull your head out of your ass; realize there are more people in this world than you! Give a little and change a lot.
To our janitor Israel at the BDB Production Studios where I tape FatGuyRadioShow, I say thank you for all you do for us. You are appreciated and respected by the cast and crew of this show. And sorry about the M&M’s in the elevator.

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