Boxer Busted by Bloody Nose

In the world of sports, injuries are a common occurrence, that's why athletes train day and night to ensure their bodies are up to par for their lane of sports. Well for some athelets their injuries are more telling  than just their training.  

Reported by, Toledo boxer Martin Tucker suffered a nosebleed during a fight in April. After the fight a special agent for the FBI snagged a Q-tip that was used to stop the bleeding of Tuckers nose.
martin tucker, bloody nose boxer,, cory blaze, blog, story, sports, boxers, mike tyson

What would an FBI agent want with a bloody Q-tip from a second tier boxer. Well, turns out there was a robbery in 2009 at a bank in Detroit. The case remained unsolved, once the FBI became suspicious of boxer Martin Tucker they began an investigation. What lead to the suspicion was pictures posted on the boxers Facebook page. The last thing needed to tie Tucker to the 2009 bank robbery, that only lead to $5,000 in cash stolen, was DNA. The agent was able to pull DNA from the Q-tip obtained after the fight.

Turns out that the FBI had a mask that was used in the robbery of the bank that had two sets of DNA on it, one set the FBI has been successful in tracing to the accomplice Quentin A Sherer, the other sample was undetermined... until now. 

The DNA obtained from the bloody Q-tip matched the DNA from the mask resulting in Martin Tucker being arrested for the robbery. Oh, did I mention there was a gun involved in the robbery? Yeah, so not only did Tuckers nose bring him down, he's going down for aggravated robbery.

I hope that nose bleed was on a win and not a lost, because this pretty boy boxer is going to make some  inmates day. Forget tap gloves come out fighting, it's tap that ass boxer boy!

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