You're Sleeping with Your Cousin

Turns Out we're all having sex with our cousins. Shocker, huh.

sleeping with cousins, sex, family,,
Are you dating a fellow American of a similar ethnic background? And do you find that from some angles they appear to have your nose? That's because she's your cousin, silly. A new video on YouTube explains how there's a one-in-five chance that you and your significant other share a common family member who bumped uglies with another of your ancestors as recently as 10 generations ago. In fact, you are -- at the most distant -- the 50th cousin of every person on the entire planet. This is owing to the fact that around 2,500 years ago, there was a person alive who is related to everyone living today. Could be time to learn the banjo. Or meet an alien.
Souce: MSNNow

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