Lett-uce All Stand, at Burger King

I'm sure you've already read of this digusting-ass story. As always, I see it from another light. What can you expect from an obvious young employee most likely thinking its just a joke.

burger king lettuce standing, afterthelevels.com, fatguyradioshow, fatguyradioshow.com, cory blaze
I would guess that the lettuce was thrown out afterwards. Just look at the picture. It looks old, yellowed and bitter. Also from the condition of the floor may indicate the store was closed. Furthermore, the camera phone used clearly has the quality of a Burger King late shift employee. And if the size of his shoes are any sort of an indicator, this guy enjoys life. 

Look folks, we have so many other things to be jumping up and down about. And the fact of the matter this story will go away as quickly as it arose. The employees have been fired, Burger King has issued a statement, and order has restored to the people. Yeah! 

It comes a time when we need to refocus our efforts and not allow incidents, however vain, to allow us to miss more important matters. Besides according to Burger Kings ratings, not many people are eating there anyway. Let's be real. If that wasn't the case why would they have hired David Beckham and Jay Leno to release those annoying-ass ads. (side note, David should have gone shirtl-off. That dream boat.)

Now we are left with three employees with the average grade level of the lettuce they were standing on out of work. They don't care, their kids - besides if they have the balls to post a picture like this they are most likely being supported by parents with the same mindset. Let's chop it up, pardon the pun, as a lost and move on to more important things like Mitt Romneys' money.

What we should be concerned about is not the pictures that are being posted, its the ones we DON'T see. Burger King did say you can have it your way. Maybe shoe-sole flavoring is one of those unknown toppings you can request from the secret Burger King menu... you know, like the one at In & Out Burger. 

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