Jackson Family Self Imploding

...and so it begins. 

As predicted, parts of this family is full of hate, jealousy, and greed. Unfortunately three innocent children of a deceased father rest in its center.

If you haven't heard, please mail me a letter from the rock you're living under.

Even thought I missed my bet by a few months, I called it at 2 1/2 years before Michael Jacksons kids are pinned up by the other Jacksons. The "other Jacksons" being their aunts and uncles. 

Janet, Rebbie, Jermaine, Randy, and Tito all know they can now overrun their mother to gain access to the estate left behind by the late great Michael Jackson. Katherine Jackson, under the assistances of her very own children, was taken to Arizona.

Here is another bold prediction: Katherine Jackson cannot take the strife currently building amongst her grandchildren and her children. Katherine will pass away under the pressure of trying to keep her family togeather. Because Michael's children are so confused, this will drive an even larger wedge between Michael's children and their aunt and uncles. Causing a fall out between the two oldest, Paris Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson. Paris will always show loyalty to their grandmother and Prince will be pursued to the side of the aunts and uncles. Which leaves Blanket in the wind. Blanket will latch on to Paris, Paris will become a "mother" to Blanket until she turns to drugs and alcohol as her young impressionable mind becomes more and more cluttered with the trattorie of her brother, the greed of her aunts and uncles and the scrutiny of the media. Resulting in unforeseen reenactments of Michael's childhood.

By the by has anyone seen Joe Jackson. Why do I feel he's the driving force behind all this? Remember  the queen bee never leaves the safety of the nest, but does instruct all the worker bees on what to do. Hmmm?

Kind of makes you think about all the lavish crazy precautions Michael Jackson took to protect Paris, Prince and Blanket when he was alive. Maybe it wasn't so much of protecting them from "outsiders" and the media, maybe it was to protect them from his very own family. 

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