1k Pieces of Cheese to Go

A Burger King customer orders a burger with 1,000 pieces of cheese. Here's the story from our friends are delish.com

1,000 cheesed burger king burger, fatguyradioshow, afterthelevels.com
The man behind the 1,050 strips of bacon on a burger is back, and this time he's craving cheese. During a promotion at Burger King Japan that allowed customers to chow down on a burger topped with 15 strips of bacon, a reporter ordered one with slightly more bacon — 1,050 strips. Yet Mr. Sato wasn't done yet.
According to RocketNews24, Mr. Sato recently ordered a Whopper topped with 1,000 slices of cheese. This time, the reporter had the foresight to call Burger King three days in advance with his unconventional order.
Although price was not discussed, this Whopper surely cost more than a typical cheeseburger. With its extra slices of cheese, the burger weighed approximately 25 pounds and was a whopping 45,661 kcals. The Whopper gained 45,000 of those kcals from the cheese alone.
To make transportation of the behemoth burger possible, Burger King staff taped together several sheets of wrapping paper, and provided Mr. Sato with some plastic trays and a frame for the burger made out of cardboard drink carriers. While Mr. Sato did not finish the entire Whopper alone, he did get through an impressive 350 slices of cheese before stating, "It tastes good, but if I eat any more I won't have room for dinner."
Would you eat a Whopper topped with 1,000 slices of cheese?

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