This may very well be the most "gayest" blog post yet, but I'm going for it anyway. I think I have a fear of bromance.
Every guy knows what a bromance is, its kind of the new way of saying bestfriend. Its the one guy friend you do almost everything with. Sports, talking, laughing, drinking, etc. Almost as if you are in a relationship with a woman, minus the sex.
Where my quote-unquote fear derives from is the thought of being that vulnerable with just one guy. But that's what friendships are, right? I can't honestly say right now that I have a true diehard guy friend that classifies as a bromance. It's not that there isn't a viable candidate, its that I don't think I'm able to open up enough to allow a friend to become that bromance.
This is indeed a sad thought. Being unable to embrace vulnerability challenges the potential of meeting that one true friend everyone needs in life. It's good to have that person to share anything with and not be judged.
On the other hand every current guy friend of mine has a life, I don't have one single friend I see on a daily basis. Isn't that a requirement of a bromance? Or if you can't see them you at least talk with them everyday?
I think deep down inside I desire a bromance but maybe I'm not willing to make the investment with a risk of being so vulnerable. Life sucks when you go at it alone, but life sucks harder when someone rips your trust out of it.
a blog by Cory Blaze host of Arizona's newest radio show FatGuyRadioShow on he says what you're thinking but afraid to say. free speech rocks.
Tyler Perry… Plot Thief?
I was wondering how long it was going to take before Tyler Perry got him self caught up. I never would have thought it would be around a movie plot though.
American author Terri Donald filed a lawsuit against movie mogul Tyler Perry in federal court on November 27th claiming that Perry stole the plot of his movie "Good Deeds" from her book "Bad Apples Can Be Good Fruit".
Of course my first mind goes to the fact this movie has been out and airs on cable TV now, so its' not fresh. So I can't help but wonder why it took Donald so long to file a lawsuit. Once the movie was released if it was in fact her books plot she would have known a lot sooner. Hmmm?
Then again, Tyler has been pushing out some serious movies lately. Other successful film directors take a span of time between projects, Tyler has been shoving movie after movie. It's almost like we get three Typer Perry movies a year. Which is very rare in Hollywood movie making. It's almost conceivable that a plot for a movie could have been taken from a book.
Donald claims she sent a book copy to Perry before the movie was in production. He most likely rejected the book and her feelings got hurt. Who knows.
At the end of the day, it doesn't take long for the machine known as Hollywood to turn on you, chew and spit. You can be something today, a headline tomorrow, and a faded memory by Saturday. Good luck Perry.
American author Terri Donald filed a lawsuit against movie mogul Tyler Perry in federal court on November 27th claiming that Perry stole the plot of his movie "Good Deeds" from her book "Bad Apples Can Be Good Fruit".
Of course my first mind goes to the fact this movie has been out and airs on cable TV now, so its' not fresh. So I can't help but wonder why it took Donald so long to file a lawsuit. Once the movie was released if it was in fact her books plot she would have known a lot sooner. Hmmm?
Then again, Tyler has been pushing out some serious movies lately. Other successful film directors take a span of time between projects, Tyler has been shoving movie after movie. It's almost like we get three Typer Perry movies a year. Which is very rare in Hollywood movie making. It's almost conceivable that a plot for a movie could have been taken from a book.
Donald claims she sent a book copy to Perry before the movie was in production. He most likely rejected the book and her feelings got hurt. Who knows.
At the end of the day, it doesn't take long for the machine known as Hollywood to turn on you, chew and spit. You can be something today, a headline tomorrow, and a faded memory by Saturday. Good luck Perry.
Long gone are the days when a persons name had clout, honor, and meaning. We know have Hashtag Jameson.
This couple, from an undisclosed country, named the new born baby girl Hashtag Jameson. Yes her first name is Hashtag from famed Twitter hashtag or # for short.
We have completely lost it as a species. I look forward to the day the aliens come to remove us from our own demise.
Bad enough we have baby Facebook and baby Like, now baby Hashtag. What's next!
Have these parents realized this child has to grow up and live with this name for the rest of their life? You've branded your children with a brand that may not exist when they are old enough to realize it. Let's go ahead and get Dr. Phil on the phone for this one, cause these kids have no chance at being normal.
I hate to call into judgement a parents decision making skills, but damn doesn't get any clearcut than this does it.
This couple, from an undisclosed country, named the new born baby girl Hashtag Jameson. Yes her first name is Hashtag from famed Twitter hashtag or # for short.
We have completely lost it as a species. I look forward to the day the aliens come to remove us from our own demise.
Bad enough we have baby Facebook and baby Like, now baby Hashtag. What's next!
Have these parents realized this child has to grow up and live with this name for the rest of their life? You've branded your children with a brand that may not exist when they are old enough to realize it. Let's go ahead and get Dr. Phil on the phone for this one, cause these kids have no chance at being normal.
I hate to call into judgement a parents decision making skills, but damn doesn't get any clearcut than this does it.
He Died After Winning a Snake, Thank you Florida
It's never a laughing matter when it comes to death. However this story should make the list on the Thousand Ways to Die TV show.
Thank you Florida (in the famous words of radio talk show host Buzz Burbank of the Mike OMeara Show) man Edward Archbold collapsed and later died after competing in a roach eating contest at a local Florida pets store. Winner of the roach eating contest got an ivory-ball python. Basically a snake.
The contest took place in early October, but the story has recently resurfaced because the autopsy report was released. Archbold died from choking. On, what else, roaches.
Why the hell would you put yourself in such harm to win a snake? There's even a limit for roach eating on Fear Factor. Those producers tell you to chew the roach completely before swallowing it. This is just plain stupidity.
I'm sorry for the family of Edward Archbold, but they should have been a little more proactive in his participation. Reports also show that Archbold participated in a worm eating contest the night before.
Come one folks, what do you expect? A roach here or a worm there, but not a large amount in less than a 24 hour period. What the hell! Again, my condolences to the family, however this is of all places… Florida!
Thank you Florida (in the famous words of radio talk show host Buzz Burbank of the Mike OMeara Show) man Edward Archbold collapsed and later died after competing in a roach eating contest at a local Florida pets store. Winner of the roach eating contest got an ivory-ball python. Basically a snake.
The contest took place in early October, but the story has recently resurfaced because the autopsy report was released. Archbold died from choking. On, what else, roaches.
Why the hell would you put yourself in such harm to win a snake? There's even a limit for roach eating on Fear Factor. Those producers tell you to chew the roach completely before swallowing it. This is just plain stupidity.
I'm sorry for the family of Edward Archbold, but they should have been a little more proactive in his participation. Reports also show that Archbold participated in a worm eating contest the night before.
Come one folks, what do you expect? A roach here or a worm there, but not a large amount in less than a 24 hour period. What the hell! Again, my condolences to the family, however this is of all places… Florida!
Facebook Warning Hoax
Social network; Facebook releases statement on fake copyright messages.
Have you seen some official looking messages about privacy and copyrights pop up on your Facebook timeline today? Well, don't worry, it's just a hoax. The social networking site released a statement today saying that it's policy about privacy hasn't changed.
Facebook writes on its website: "There is a rumor circulating that Facebook is making a change related to ownership of users’ information or the content they post to the site. This is false. Anyone who uses Facebook owns and controls the content and information they post, as stated in our terms. They control how that content and information is shared. That is our policy, and it always has been.”
These types of scares have a profound effect on AfterTheLevels… as we market this blog on Facebook. Man, is this something we can expect from Facebook as it grows? So many small up and coming businesses depend on their social media footprint nowadays. I'd hate to see people just take advantage of this. Glad it was just a hoax.
Coldplay Takes Three Years Off
Coldplay front man Chris Martin annouced Coldplay are taking a break from touring. He specified in this annoucement that Coldplay is not calling it quits, they will still release albums but touring will come to a hault for an estimated three years.
Being a fan of Coldplay this comes as some sad news. Coldplay has produced, written and released some of my favorite songs. I was sitting watching their 2012 tour on Paladia earlier today and learned of this news.
I was first introduced to Coldplay as their song "Fix You
" was used in an episode of the hit US TV series Scrubs. From that moment on, I was hooked and became a fan.
I wish Coldplay all the best and hope to see them resurface in three years bigger and better. The danger of doing so in a very finickle music industry; out of sight out of mind is a risk. I'd hope when they resurface on the touring circuit that their strong audiance is standing in wait.
Coldplay also annouced their next CD title will be easier to annouce than their latest album Mylo Xyloto. You can download it below.

Being a fan of Coldplay this comes as some sad news. Coldplay has produced, written and released some of my favorite songs. I was sitting watching their 2012 tour on Paladia earlier today and learned of this news.
I was first introduced to Coldplay as their song "Fix You
I wish Coldplay all the best and hope to see them resurface in three years bigger and better. The danger of doing so in a very finickle music industry; out of sight out of mind is a risk. I'd hope when they resurface on the touring circuit that their strong audiance is standing in wait.
Coldplay also annouced their next CD title will be easier to annouce than their latest album Mylo Xyloto. You can download it below.
Happy Thankgiving… hang over!
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Remember, tryptophan has been debunked by recent scientific studies. It's not what puts you to sleep its the sheer high chloric intake that tires your body.
Enjoy it. We are fully in the swing of the holiday season!
Happy Holidays,
Enjoy it. We are fully in the swing of the holiday season!
Happy Holidays,
NBA Players Dribble to Create 'Carol of the Balls
This is pretty awesome for several different reasons. Before I list those reasons, watch it first:

Anyone that has read more than two AfterTheLevels post, I can't stand a couple of NBA players. Kobe Bryant and Labron James. What makes this video so awesome to me… those two asshats arn't in it.
Now, there is the question if the video is real or computer generated. I'm not sure, it can go both ways. Reason I say, because first none of the players ever react to each other even after the bit is over. That tells me they were not taped in the same room, leaving a lot of room for some editing magic.
On the other hand, those players are pretty talented enough to pull something like this off.
Stop Making Up Stuff at Work
Everyone's got that person in their workplace they avoid because any contact with them is going to result in some type of new idea or process. Why? Because that weird co-worker is going to make something up so you will be forced to interact with them.
The lady that has more pictures of animals on her desk than humans. The guy that wears the glasses, yet takes them off to see where he's walking. Yeah, that person.
These types of people are so lost in life their entire value is placed in their job duties. Until they get to a point where their job duties no longer fullfill them. So they wait until you make eye contact or give a simple hello to pounce on you.
This co-worker has no friends in the office for this reason. They make up work projects to force interaction. No one is at home when they get there, so they don't mind working 18 hour days. But if they get the golden chance to be engaged by another human, being a simple hello turns into a six month project staring you and them.
These type of co-workers are the single worst human beings to be around. So when you see them, you avert your eyes, turn down another hallway or make your cell phone ring to avoid any contact. And I don't blame you.
The lady that has more pictures of animals on her desk than humans. The guy that wears the glasses, yet takes them off to see where he's walking. Yeah, that person.
These types of people are so lost in life their entire value is placed in their job duties. Until they get to a point where their job duties no longer fullfill them. So they wait until you make eye contact or give a simple hello to pounce on you.
This co-worker has no friends in the office for this reason. They make up work projects to force interaction. No one is at home when they get there, so they don't mind working 18 hour days. But if they get the golden chance to be engaged by another human, being a simple hello turns into a six month project staring you and them.
These type of co-workers are the single worst human beings to be around. So when you see them, you avert your eyes, turn down another hallway or make your cell phone ring to avoid any contact. And I don't blame you.
It's Great, but It's Not
"You have a wonderful turn of the century item that I've seen sale for over $45,000. What would you like to do with yours?", "Sell it", "How much you looking to get?", "$5,000", "Well it's not that wonderful…"
If you have ever watched History Channels hit series Pawn Stars you know that type of conversation happens on every item brought into the pawn shop.
Let me set the record. I'm a fan of Pawn Stars, I watch and enjoy the show. However (yes there's a however) there's something about the show that just drives me nuts.
My father has always told me to stay out of pawn shops. If you pawn something in Arizona and you want it back after 90 days you can be charged up to 170.9% interested on your item. I was raised to believe pawn shops were rip offs.
Well, I hate to say it but Pawn Stars perpetuates my fathers point. Some customers come into the Las Vegas based pawn shop with hopes of having a one of a kind item that will help them out of a financial pinch. But on the show, the guys praise the item; make the customer feel all warm a fuzzy until it gets to the money talk. Then all of a sudden they highlight every minor imperfection in the item.
I understand pawn shops have to make a dollar, but wouldn't it be easier to tell the customer what's wrong with the item before propping them up on a pedestal, making them think they have the holy grail of Elvis paintings just to tell them the frame lessons the value?
This may just be the editing of the show, but its a part of the show that just drives me bonkers. However, this doesn't mean I won't watch.
If you have ever watched History Channels hit series Pawn Stars you know that type of conversation happens on every item brought into the pawn shop.
Let me set the record. I'm a fan of Pawn Stars, I watch and enjoy the show. However (yes there's a however) there's something about the show that just drives me nuts.
My father has always told me to stay out of pawn shops. If you pawn something in Arizona and you want it back after 90 days you can be charged up to 170.9% interested on your item. I was raised to believe pawn shops were rip offs.
Well, I hate to say it but Pawn Stars perpetuates my fathers point. Some customers come into the Las Vegas based pawn shop with hopes of having a one of a kind item that will help them out of a financial pinch. But on the show, the guys praise the item; make the customer feel all warm a fuzzy until it gets to the money talk. Then all of a sudden they highlight every minor imperfection in the item.
I understand pawn shops have to make a dollar, but wouldn't it be easier to tell the customer what's wrong with the item before propping them up on a pedestal, making them think they have the holy grail of Elvis paintings just to tell them the frame lessons the value?
This may just be the editing of the show, but its a part of the show that just drives me bonkers. However, this doesn't mean I won't watch.
Are Blogs Just for Porn?
Many people log on to the internet from all over the world. Almost 90% of households in America has access to the internet in some way.
Being a "blogger", trying to cut my teeth in this internet story telling thing, my biggest challenge is people visit my blog hoping to find free porn. So I asked myself, are blogs just for porn?
The famous Shirley Maclaine stared in a movie called Sweet Charity back in 1969 and one musical number from that movie turned stage play is "Something Better Than This". That music number plays in my head every time I get contacted by someone asking if I post adult material on my blog.
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't. AfterTheLevels is an extension of my internet radio show, FatGuyRadioShow. I record one show a week but things happen through out the week I want to talk about. Therefore I created ATL. I have no intentions on making ATL a blog filled with adult images, it's not that I don't enjoy adult images… I do, but in the privacy of my own home.
Blogs can offer more than just porn and its okay. But I must say, the most read posting on ATL had something to do with naked people. Go figure. Enjoy AfterTheLevels - a porn free blog. Tell a friend.
Being a "blogger", trying to cut my teeth in this internet story telling thing, my biggest challenge is people visit my blog hoping to find free porn. So I asked myself, are blogs just for porn?
The famous Shirley Maclaine stared in a movie called Sweet Charity back in 1969 and one musical number from that movie turned stage play is "Something Better Than This". That music number plays in my head every time I get contacted by someone asking if I post adult material on my blog.
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't. AfterTheLevels is an extension of my internet radio show, FatGuyRadioShow. I record one show a week but things happen through out the week I want to talk about. Therefore I created ATL. I have no intentions on making ATL a blog filled with adult images, it's not that I don't enjoy adult images… I do, but in the privacy of my own home.
Blogs can offer more than just porn and its okay. But I must say, the most read posting on ATL had something to do with naked people. Go figure. Enjoy AfterTheLevels - a porn free blog. Tell a friend.
Signs For Wanting More
Everyone at some point starts to notice a little something special about another person. Maybe its derived from a different type of touch or a different level of conversation. It's hard to gage if the advancements are friendly or signs for wanting more.
A reader wrote into me about a situation they are currently in. We will call the reader "Mark".
Mark started a business with a friend which caused them to work very close together. Many late nights together, building, strategizing and developing. Mark started to notice the conversation between he and his business partner were getting very personal. At first he thought this was just in response to them growing closer as business partners, until one night a comment about changing a life style was made.
After that night for weeks on weeks Mark's mind kept playing that comment made by his business partner over and over in his head. He couldn't shake it. Mark began trying to snap himself out of it. Telling himself, "Don't read more into it! This is your friend and business partner." However Mark just couldn't get past the comment.
In Marks mind he started dreaming of what it would be like if a relationship developed between he and his business partner. Waking up in the morning with his bedroom at the perfect temperature for some morning snuggling. Cooking meals together while the TV played in the other room. Many different thoughts.
One main thought that also remained in his head. What if it isn't a sign? Just two people talking openingly about relationships. Now Mark has a decision to make, was it a sign wanting more or just a passive comment.
I know how Mark feels, I've been in these types of situation and they are very risky. You risk loosing a friend and a business partner by making it known what you're thinking or you miss the opportunity for your life to advance with someone special. My advise to Mark would be to stand firm and wait it out. Allow your business partner to make the first move, if they choose so. Then and only then will you truly know if it was a sign for wanting more.
Mark also never disclosed the sex of his business partner.
A reader wrote into me about a situation they are currently in. We will call the reader "Mark".
Mark started a business with a friend which caused them to work very close together. Many late nights together, building, strategizing and developing. Mark started to notice the conversation between he and his business partner were getting very personal. At first he thought this was just in response to them growing closer as business partners, until one night a comment about changing a life style was made.
After that night for weeks on weeks Mark's mind kept playing that comment made by his business partner over and over in his head. He couldn't shake it. Mark began trying to snap himself out of it. Telling himself, "Don't read more into it! This is your friend and business partner." However Mark just couldn't get past the comment.
In Marks mind he started dreaming of what it would be like if a relationship developed between he and his business partner. Waking up in the morning with his bedroom at the perfect temperature for some morning snuggling. Cooking meals together while the TV played in the other room. Many different thoughts.
One main thought that also remained in his head. What if it isn't a sign? Just two people talking openingly about relationships. Now Mark has a decision to make, was it a sign wanting more or just a passive comment.
I know how Mark feels, I've been in these types of situation and they are very risky. You risk loosing a friend and a business partner by making it known what you're thinking or you miss the opportunity for your life to advance with someone special. My advise to Mark would be to stand firm and wait it out. Allow your business partner to make the first move, if they choose so. Then and only then will you truly know if it was a sign for wanting more.
Mark also never disclosed the sex of his business partner.
Hey Macy's; Dump the Trump!
Over 500,000 signatures have been garnered on the petition to urge Macy's to sever their relationship with Donald Trump over his unpleasant, nasty and despicable behavior.
Celebrities like Cher have taken up the fight releasing comments on her twitter sharing her support for Macy's to stop selling and promoting Donald Trumps signature line.
I stand behind this. Most Americans, well at least 500,000, are sick of this guys crap. He's a loud mouth blow hard and needs to be quieted. Let him take his money, hair, and limited vocabulary somewhere else. We've had enough and if Macy's is willing to tarnish their reputation by standing with Trump - we have the power to respond by not shopping Macy's.
On the other hand. If Macy's drops ties with Trump I will do free endorsements for Macy's on FatGuyRadioShow.
If you'd like to sign the petition, I've gladly provided a direct link here.
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Courtesy of Getty Images |
I stand behind this. Most Americans, well at least 500,000, are sick of this guys crap. He's a loud mouth blow hard and needs to be quieted. Let him take his money, hair, and limited vocabulary somewhere else. We've had enough and if Macy's is willing to tarnish their reputation by standing with Trump - we have the power to respond by not shopping Macy's.
On the other hand. If Macy's drops ties with Trump I will do free endorsements for Macy's on FatGuyRadioShow.
If you'd like to sign the petition, I've gladly provided a direct link here.
James Harden Hi-Fives… Air!

He hi-fives the air.
I don't care how often this happens, its just funny every time.
And what's also interesting, the commentators never see it. They're too wrapped up in making horrible jokes about something no one cares about.
Secession Petition Huh? Granted, Go Away
Since President Obama was re-elected 20 states have filed petitions to secede from the United States of America and establish their own government. Really people?
I understand that this happens most often than not, but why do we allow this. If you don't like how America is being run get the hell out!
There should not be a way to tell our government that "(blank) state" no longer wants to be under your control so we are going to take the land, it's natural resources, the currency and start our own. That's bull!
If anyone is unhappy with this country, you shouldn't have the right to take the land - you have the right to get your non-patriot ass up and on the first plane to out.
The White House should take these petitions and make a bonfire out of them on the White House lawn. This is the most ridiculous time waste on the planet. How do we ever expect our government to make things better when we keep them distracted on useless petitions.
The roads leading out of the United States are not blocked. You can leave anytime you want. But I promise you… you'll want back in!
Source: Yahoo!®
I understand that this happens most often than not, but why do we allow this. If you don't like how America is being run get the hell out!
There should not be a way to tell our government that "(blank) state" no longer wants to be under your control so we are going to take the land, it's natural resources, the currency and start our own. That's bull!
If anyone is unhappy with this country, you shouldn't have the right to take the land - you have the right to get your non-patriot ass up and on the first plane to out.
The White House should take these petitions and make a bonfire out of them on the White House lawn. This is the most ridiculous time waste on the planet. How do we ever expect our government to make things better when we keep them distracted on useless petitions.
The roads leading out of the United States are not blocked. You can leave anytime you want. But I promise you… you'll want back in!
Source: Yahoo!®
Lakers hire Mike D'Antoni

I sat in on our networks sports show, FullCourtPressRadio this pass Saturday and this was discussed in full. You can listen here.
Very interesting predictions made on that show. Well, here we go again with the Lakers.
Venice Gets Flooded, People Get Naked
Venice, Italy knows how to take high tide flood waters and have a good time. The sexy country of Italy gets slammed by rain waters and high tide, resulting in parts of Venice square being submerged under as much as 3ft of water.
Do the Venetians and tourist hunker down in the event of a flood? Nope! They rip off their clothes and enjoy it. This is why I love Italy. No shame over there.

"Hey honey, it's-a flood in the square! Let's get out of these clothes, expose our amazing Italian bodies and swim up to an outside bar." Why? Cause that's how sexy italians get down.
You can read the real post here and see the other pictures (of the clothed poeple, boring).
I love you Venice, you know how to do it right… get naked and swim!
Do the Venetians and tourist hunker down in the event of a flood? Nope! They rip off their clothes and enjoy it. This is why I love Italy. No shame over there.

"Hey honey, it's-a flood in the square! Let's get out of these clothes, expose our amazing Italian bodies and swim up to an outside bar." Why? Cause that's how sexy italians get down.
You can read the real post here and see the other pictures (of the clothed poeple, boring).
I love you Venice, you know how to do it right… get naked and swim!
Honoring our Veterans
Today AfterTheLevels pauses to honor our US Veterans. To all that have served or lost someone that has served, we honor you on this Veterans Day. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. It's because of your unwavering commitment we have the freedoms of today. God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.
Photogenic Baby Joey Powling, Jr.
Normally when I come across cute baby pictures or silly cats doing human things, I run pass those trending stories. This one I just couldn't pass up and I had to repost this story from MSN Now.
'Photogenic Surgery Baby' is the cutest, bravest patient ever
Hang on to your heart, American, because tiny Joey Powling, Jr. is about to swipe it. A pic of the 3-month-old, smiling post-heart surgery, was posted on Reddit and quickly renamed "Ridiculously Good Looking Surgery Baby." Since then, his adorable smile has racked up millions of views and his parents hope his popularity will raise awareness of tetralogy of Fallot, aka TOF, the congenital heart defect that required Joey to have surgery. "[Through Joey's popularity], we want to [let people know that] it you're note diagnosed before you're born, you could have a different outcome,' mom Sarah says.
We wish you all the best baby Joey, you've stolen the heart of hardass blogger.
President Obama Wins 4 More Years
Election results are in and the American people have spoken. President Obama wins four more years. AfterTheLevels A Blog by Cory Blaze issues its congratulations to President Obama and Vice President Biden.
We also tip our hats to Gov. Mitt Romney, a very impressionable man with ideals that are important to many Americans. I believe his concession speech was classy and elegant.
It's now time for us to work together to better this country. Take a moment to lick any wounds there may be and for the record I predicted Mitt Romney on, I officially say "I was wrong."
We also tip our hats to Gov. Mitt Romney, a very impressionable man with ideals that are important to many Americans. I believe his concession speech was classy and elegant.
It's now time for us to work together to better this country. Take a moment to lick any wounds there may be and for the record I predicted Mitt Romney on, I officially say "I was wrong."
Religious Embrace of Government??
Tomorrow is a big day in America, Election Day. Therefor the emails, Facebooks statuses, and Twitter feeds are blowing up with active support messages of the candidates.
One particular organization has really stepped up their game in embracing this political race… the religious organizations.
It's very well documented on AfterTheLevels that I am not a religious zealot. I have a strong faith base and attend church on a regular basis.
It's very alarming when any religious organization openly embraces government. Not just government as a whole a political side. Religion clearly drawing a line in the sand but its presented as "pray about who you should vote for" but….
They go wrong when they add that but. It's so unacceptable for any religious organization to encourage their followers to vote for a certain person or cause. Why? The first moment any government official steps out to change anything religious; religion cries out separation of church and state.
Religion shouldn't embrace government if government can't embrace religion. We all know what happens when the government embraces something… they change it.
It's only fair, right? Isn't that whats being preached, fairness?
I totally think its wrong for religion to say where they stand on government and/or politics, yet they won't allow government to say where they stand on religion.
Separation of church and state goes both ways, don't it?
One particular organization has really stepped up their game in embracing this political race… the religious organizations.
It's very well documented on AfterTheLevels that I am not a religious zealot. I have a strong faith base and attend church on a regular basis.
It's very alarming when any religious organization openly embraces government. Not just government as a whole a political side. Religion clearly drawing a line in the sand but its presented as "pray about who you should vote for" but….
They go wrong when they add that but. It's so unacceptable for any religious organization to encourage their followers to vote for a certain person or cause. Why? The first moment any government official steps out to change anything religious; religion cries out separation of church and state.
Religion shouldn't embrace government if government can't embrace religion. We all know what happens when the government embraces something… they change it.
It's only fair, right? Isn't that whats being preached, fairness?
I totally think its wrong for religion to say where they stand on government and/or politics, yet they won't allow government to say where they stand on religion.
Separation of church and state goes both ways, don't it?
No Time for Political Lines
This picture of President Barack Obama and Chris Christie is a sign of how things should be. The deadlock in Washington over the past four years should take note.
I'm not a democrate nor republican but one thing I am… an American.
I praise Chris Christie for his recent comment:
" Obama "has done a good job in the last few days for New Jersey, and he deserves my praise, and he will get it regardless of what the calendar says," on Fox News.
Christie is taking a lot of flack from his fellow republicans, but to them I say what if it was your town.
Forget party lines, Americans are dying and playing politics is not something we need to do right now.
Really folks!
I'm not a democrate nor republican but one thing I am… an American.
I praise Chris Christie for his recent comment:
" Obama "has done a good job in the last few days for New Jersey, and he deserves my praise, and he will get it regardless of what the calendar says," on Fox News.
Christie is taking a lot of flack from his fellow republicans, but to them I say what if it was your town.
Forget party lines, Americans are dying and playing politics is not something we need to do right now.
Really folks!
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