Here us sing along on the latest RAW show on
a blog by Cory Blaze host of Arizona's newest radio show FatGuyRadioShow on he says what you're thinking but afraid to say. free speech rocks.
Less Money More Respect
This is a notice to all supervisors, managers, directors, VP’s, anyone who has a person working for them or with them that makes less than $20 per hour. I’ve posted in the past about Just Saying Hi to someone that is below you, now I want to focus on the respect aspect of someone making less money than you.
Allow me to focus on the cleaning crew in your building. There’s a good chance you don’t know who they are or even what they look like, possibly because they arrive in your building to clean after you have gone home.
This is not directed at just people in decision making positions; this is geared towards anyone that is knowingly aware of another co-worker that makes less money.
If you happen to run into that cleaning person by chance, maybe it’s your assistant or receptionist, or hell maybe the mail person. Have you ever thought about how they feel when you walk by them and not take the second of time to greet them? Have you ever considered that maybe they’d like to be asked how their weekend went? One bad habit I have noticed by many individuals I know, in a decision making position, will ignore the people making less money and suck the ass of the ones making more money. Quite frankly, it’s disgusting.
I’m not saying I’m the saint of the people, but I have gone out of my way to make our janitor Israel at the BDB Production Studios a special feature on my talk show. I find him very entertaining.
Look, a person that makes less money in corporate America deserve the respect of acknowledgement. You may not realize it, but lots of them look up to you and when you shrugged them off it effects their self esteem, image, and willingness. It can also leave them with the impression you have pasted judgment. Taking 20 seconds to say hello as you past them in the hallway, or leaving a note on your office door saying thank you and better yet, asking them how there weekend went. You will be surprised how much that affects another person.
Pull your head out of your ass; realize there are more people in this world than you! Give a little and change a lot.
To our janitor Israel at the BDB Production Studios where I tape FatGuyRadioShow, I say thank you for all you do for us. You are appreciated and respected by the cast and crew of this show. And sorry about the M&M’s in the elevator.
Holy cow Batman (no pun intended), my internet radio show has garnered over 20,000 downloads on a grassroots marketing campaign. I cannot be any more excited.
We had a show goal of reaching 20,000 by the end of the summer, well we have met that goal ahead of schedule. Our next target goal is 50,000 downloads in the next year. So I encourage all of my AfterTheLevels readers to spread the word about my talk show FatGuyRadioShow.
If you're already doing so, please continue to do more. This supports what I love to do!
- Cory
We had a show goal of reaching 20,000 by the end of the summer, well we have met that goal ahead of schedule. Our next target goal is 50,000 downloads in the next year. So I encourage all of my AfterTheLevels readers to spread the word about my talk show FatGuyRadioShow.
If you're already doing so, please continue to do more. This supports what I love to do!
- Cory
Jackson Family Self Imploding
...and so it begins.
As predicted, parts of this family is full of hate, jealousy, and greed. Unfortunately three innocent children of a deceased father rest in its center.
If you haven't heard, please mail me a letter from the rock you're living under.
Even thought I missed my bet by a few months, I called it at 2 1/2 years before Michael Jacksons kids are pinned up by the other Jacksons. The "other Jacksons" being their aunts and uncles.
Janet, Rebbie, Jermaine, Randy, and Tito all know they can now overrun their mother to gain access to the estate left behind by the late great Michael Jackson. Katherine Jackson, under the assistances of her very own children, was taken to Arizona.
Here is another bold prediction: Katherine Jackson cannot take the strife currently building amongst her grandchildren and her children. Katherine will pass away under the pressure of trying to keep her family togeather. Because Michael's children are so confused, this will drive an even larger wedge between Michael's children and their aunt and uncles. Causing a fall out between the two oldest, Paris Jackson and Prince Michael Jackson. Paris will always show loyalty to their grandmother and Prince will be pursued to the side of the aunts and uncles. Which leaves Blanket in the wind. Blanket will latch on to Paris, Paris will become a "mother" to Blanket until she turns to drugs and alcohol as her young impressionable mind becomes more and more cluttered with the trattorie of her brother, the greed of her aunts and uncles and the scrutiny of the media. Resulting in unforeseen reenactments of Michael's childhood.
By the by has anyone seen Joe Jackson. Why do I feel he's the driving force behind all this? Remember the queen bee never leaves the safety of the nest, but does instruct all the worker bees on what to do. Hmmm?
Kind of makes you think about all the lavish crazy precautions Michael Jackson took to protect Paris, Prince and Blanket when he was alive. Maybe it wasn't so much of protecting them from "outsiders" and the media, maybe it was to protect them from his very own family.
RIP Sherman Hemsley
The FatGuyRadioShow Cast and Crew are deeply saddened by the news of Sherman Hemsley's passing. Our prayers and thoughts go out to his family.
Sherman Hemsley was known to many as George Jefferson, from the hit TV series The Jeffersons. He later went on to play many roles on both TV and film. A true pioneer of the work we are able to do every week on FatGuyRadioShow.
Forever Remembered: Sherman Hemsley
1938 - 2012
"Thank you for giving me laughter and blazing the trail for crazy off the wall comedy!"
- Cory Blaze
Why Men Fall Asleep After Sex
Here’s some news from the world of science that could settle some old disputes in the battleground of the marital boudoir. Throughout history, unsatisfied wives and girlfriends have wondered why their otherwise-perfect male partners roll over and fall straight to sleep after sex instead of engaging in endless chit-chat. A team of researchers from Inserm in France believe they have the answer: it seems that men just can’t help it. Brain scans showed that after orgasm, the thinking area of men’s brains actually shuts down. Other parts then send a message out that the job is done, to let the body know that its interest in sex is no longer required. Then, (just in case even further explanation is needed), the brain is hit with surges of oxytocin and serotonin, nature’s own “shut up and go to sleep” chemicals, rendering dudes all but powerless against the urge to crash.
Source: MSNNow
You're Sleeping with Your Cousin
Turns Out we're all having sex with our cousins. Shocker, huh.
Are you dating a fellow American of a similar ethnic background? And do you find that from some angles they appear to have your nose? That's because she's your cousin, silly. A new video on YouTube explains how there's a one-in-five chance that you and your significant other share a common family member who bumped uglies with another of your ancestors as recently as 10 generations ago. In fact, you are -- at the most distant -- the 50th cousin of every person on the entire planet. This is owing to the fact that around 2,500 years ago, there was a person alive who is related to everyone living today. Could be time to learn the banjo. Or meet an alien.
Souce: MSNNow
Souce: MSNNow
It's Okay to Get Naked at the Airport
An Oregon man was cleared of indecent exposure charges Wednesday when a local judge said his protest of Transportation Security Administration screening procedures was constitutionally protected speech under state law.
John Brennan, a 50-year-old technology consultant, was charged with the infraction after taking his clothes off at Portland International Airport in April, on a way to a business trip to San Jose.
“I was mostly motivated by the absurdity of it all. The irony that they wanna see me naked. But I don’t get to take my clothes off?” he said after being cleared.
The incident began when Brennan refused to go through the so-called “nude” scanners and instead opted for a pat-down. A TSA officer detected nitrates on his gloves after the pat down. Nitrates are used in explosives.
That, Brennan said, was the last straw. He took his clothes off and proceeded through the checkpoint. He was subsequently arrested.
Multnomah County Circuit Judge David Rees said nudity laws don’t apply when it comes to protest. “It is the speech itself that the state is seeking to punish, and that it cannot do,” Rees said from the bench.
In 2006, however, the TSA reluctantly conceded that the screening area remained open to free speech so that fliers could wear slogans on their shirts, or even put them on their toiletry bags.
“There is no policy that restricts passengers from expressing their opinion as long as they are not threatening,” the TSA said. source
But seriously, who wants to see that guy naked?
Boxer Busted by Bloody Nose
In the world of sports, injuries are a common occurrence, that's why athletes train day and night to ensure their bodies are up to par for their lane of sports. Well for some athelets their injuries are more telling than just their training.
Reported by, Toledo boxer Martin Tucker suffered a nosebleed during a fight in April. After the fight a special agent for the FBI snagged a Q-tip that was used to stop the bleeding of Tuckers nose.
What would an FBI agent want with a bloody Q-tip from a second tier boxer. Well, turns out there was a robbery in 2009 at a bank in Detroit. The case remained unsolved, once the FBI became suspicious of boxer Martin Tucker they began an investigation. What lead to the suspicion was pictures posted on the boxers Facebook page. The last thing needed to tie Tucker to the 2009 bank robbery, that only lead to $5,000 in cash stolen, was DNA. The agent was able to pull DNA from the Q-tip obtained after the fight.
Turns out that the FBI had a mask that was used in the robbery of the bank that had two sets of DNA on it, one set the FBI has been successful in tracing to the accomplice Quentin A Sherer, the other sample was undetermined... until now.
The DNA obtained from the bloody Q-tip matched the DNA from the mask resulting in Martin Tucker being arrested for the robbery. Oh, did I mention there was a gun involved in the robbery? Yeah, so not only did Tuckers nose bring him down, he's going down for aggravated robbery.
I hope that nose bleed was on a win and not a lost, because this pretty boy boxer is going to make some inmates day. Forget tap gloves come out fighting, it's tap that ass boxer boy!
Lett-uce All Stand, at Burger King
I'm sure you've already read of this digusting-ass story. As always, I see it from another light. What can you expect from an obvious young employee most likely thinking its just a joke.
I would guess that the lettuce was thrown out afterwards. Just look at the picture. It looks old, yellowed and bitter. Also from the condition of the floor may indicate the store was closed. Furthermore, the camera phone used clearly has the quality of a Burger King late shift employee. And if the size of his shoes are any sort of an indicator, this guy enjoys life.
Look folks, we have so many other things to be jumping up and down about. And the fact of the matter this story will go away as quickly as it arose. The employees have been fired, Burger King has issued a statement, and order has restored to the people. Yeah!
It comes a time when we need to refocus our efforts and not allow incidents, however vain, to allow us to miss more important matters. Besides according to Burger Kings ratings, not many people are eating there anyway. Let's be real. If that wasn't the case why would they have hired David Beckham and Jay Leno to release those annoying-ass ads. (side note, David should have gone shirtl-off. That dream boat.)
Now we are left with three employees with the average grade level of the lettuce they were standing on out of work. They don't care, their kids - besides if they have the balls to post a picture like this they are most likely being supported by parents with the same mindset. Let's chop it up, pardon the pun, as a lost and move on to more important things like Mitt Romneys' money.
What we should be concerned about is not the pictures that are being posted, its the ones we DON'T see. Burger King did say you can have it your way. Maybe shoe-sole flavoring is one of those unknown toppings you can request from the secret Burger King menu... you know, like the one at In & Out Burger.
Best and Worst Paying Jobs in America
I found this strikingly interesting. This article released by regarding the best and worst paying jobs in America. Maybe a little predicable, but nevertheless intriguing.
Average Annual Pay $204k
No. 4 - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Average Annual Pay $217k

No. 3 - Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Average Annual Pay $218k
No. 2 - Surgeon

Average Annual Pay $231k
No. 1 - Anesthesiologist
Average Annual Pay $234k
Average Annual Pay $19k
No. 4 - Shampooer
Average Annual Pay $19k
No. 3 - Dishwasher
Average Annual Pay $18k
No. 2 - Food-preparation and Serving Worker
Average Annual Pay $18k
No. 1 - Fast Food Cook
Average Annual Pay $17k
Keep in mind as you look at these figures, our national poverty line, according to the Federal Register, is $18,000 for a household of 3 individuals. Source
So when you're having your food served to you in a cafeteria, drinking coffee at the local coffee shop, getting your hair shampooed, eating and leaving dirty dishes to be cleaned at a restaurant, having your food prepared and served or driving through a fast food drive through... if they screw up something, try not to over react, what can you expect their just trying to feed their families.
After looking at these figures, I will be more patient with the workers in the lowest paid jobs in America.
As for the highest paid jobs, well, they don't need my thanks. They can just look at their bank accounts and that should be thanks enough.
Best Paying Jobs
No. 5 - OrthodontistAverage Annual Pay $204k
No. 4 - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Average Annual Pay $217k

No. 3 - Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Average Annual Pay $218k
No. 2 - Surgeon

Average Annual Pay $231k
No. 1 - Anesthesiologist
Average Annual Pay $234k
Now the Worst Paying Jobs
No. 5 - Cafeteria, food concession and coffee shop counter attendantAverage Annual Pay $19k
No. 4 - Shampooer
Average Annual Pay $19k
No. 3 - Dishwasher
Average Annual Pay $18k
No. 2 - Food-preparation and Serving Worker
Average Annual Pay $18k
No. 1 - Fast Food Cook
Average Annual Pay $17k
Keep in mind as you look at these figures, our national poverty line, according to the Federal Register, is $18,000 for a household of 3 individuals. Source
So when you're having your food served to you in a cafeteria, drinking coffee at the local coffee shop, getting your hair shampooed, eating and leaving dirty dishes to be cleaned at a restaurant, having your food prepared and served or driving through a fast food drive through... if they screw up something, try not to over react, what can you expect their just trying to feed their families.
After looking at these figures, I will be more patient with the workers in the lowest paid jobs in America.
As for the highest paid jobs, well, they don't need my thanks. They can just look at their bank accounts and that should be thanks enough.
How Was Your Fourth of July?
I saw this training picture and I understand the depths of it, but damn this was funny! Enjoy. I have titled it "How Was Your 4th of July". Feel free to leave a comment on it.
1k Pieces of Cheese to Go
A Burger King customer orders a burger with 1,000 pieces of cheese. Here's the story from our friends are
The man behind the 1,050 strips of bacon on a burger is back, and this time he's craving cheese. During a promotion at Burger King Japan that allowed customers to chow down on a burger topped with 15 strips of bacon, a reporter ordered one with slightly more bacon — 1,050 strips. Yet Mr. Sato wasn't done yet.
According to RocketNews24, Mr. Sato recently ordered a Whopper topped with 1,000 slices of cheese. This time, the reporter had the foresight to call Burger King three days in advance with his unconventional order.
Although price was not discussed, this Whopper surely cost more than a typical cheeseburger. With its extra slices of cheese, the burger weighed approximately 25 pounds and was a whopping 45,661 kcals. The Whopper gained 45,000 of those kcals from the cheese alone.
To make transportation of the behemoth burger possible, Burger King staff taped together several sheets of wrapping paper, and provided Mr. Sato with some plastic trays and a frame for the burger made out of cardboard drink carriers. While Mr. Sato did not finish the entire Whopper alone, he did get through an impressive 350 slices of cheese before stating, "It tastes good, but if I eat any more I won't have room for dinner."
Would you eat a Whopper topped with 1,000 slices of cheese?
Listener Survey
Thank you for participating! This survey will help us have a much better understanding of our listeners. Please answer honestly and send any questions to
Thank you,
- FatGuyRadioShow Cast & Crew
Parliment Member Shoe and Gun Argument
This can't be more entertaining. Some times I wish our government acted out like this, at least we'd all know they were emotional human beings.
Nevertheless its still entertaining. Enjoy.
Nevertheless its still entertaining. Enjoy.
Chumbawamba Gets Knocked Down and Out
I hate to share this news because I liked this group.
From MSN Entertainment: Chumbawamba get knocked down, break up after 30 years.
They get knocked down, but this time there won't get up again. Though the world seems to have long since forgotten about '90s rock group *Chumbawamba - of "Tubthumping" fame - the band members announced on their official website plans to dissolved after a three-decade career.
the statement, posted on the aptly title, detailed the members' plans to end things "with neither a whimper, a bang or a reunion. Thirty years of ideas and melodies, endless meetings and European tours, press releases, singalong choruses and Dada sound poetry, finally at an end.
I am going to be sad to see these guys go, another entertainer with an actually talent gone. Leaving the void to be filled with some autotuned manufactured talentless hack! A little of the music industry died with this story.
From MSN Entertainment: Chumbawamba get knocked down, break up after 30 years.
They get knocked down, but this time there won't get up again. Though the world seems to have long since forgotten about '90s rock group *Chumbawamba - of "Tubthumping" fame - the band members announced on their official website plans to dissolved after a three-decade career.
the statement, posted on the aptly title, detailed the members' plans to end things "with neither a whimper, a bang or a reunion. Thirty years of ideas and melodies, endless meetings and European tours, press releases, singalong choruses and Dada sound poetry, finally at an end.
I am going to be sad to see these guys go, another entertainer with an actually talent gone. Leaving the void to be filled with some autotuned manufactured talentless hack! A little of the music industry died with this story.
Cop Hugged Women Shot
This is a freak story, had to repost:
Police say a woman was killed when she hugged an off-duty police officer in Detroit, which caused his gun to fire, fatally wounding her. Adaisha Miller was celebrating the weekend before her 25th birthday at an outside party when the tragic incident happened at around 12.30 a.m. According to police, Adaisha hugged the officer from behind, which caused his "holstered weapon to accidentally discharge." She died in hospital after the bullet punctured her lung and hit her heart. Police say they are investigating the shooting. "For this to happen to her, whether they want to call it freak accident or mistake in judgment, it should have never happened to my child," said Adaisha's mother, Yolanda McNair.
Police say a woman was killed when she hugged an off-duty police officer in Detroit, which caused his gun to fire, fatally wounding her. Adaisha Miller was celebrating the weekend before her 25th birthday at an outside party when the tragic incident happened at around 12.30 a.m. According to police, Adaisha hugged the officer from behind, which caused his "holstered weapon to accidentally discharge." She died in hospital after the bullet punctured her lung and hit her heart. Police say they are investigating the shooting. "For this to happen to her, whether they want to call it freak accident or mistake in judgment, it should have never happened to my child," said Adaisha's mother, Yolanda McNair.
Do You Dare Listen?
New episode of FatGuyRadioShow RAW is available now on Do you dare listen? Do you have the guts!
That's what I thought. Run chicken. Only real men listen to FatGuyRadioShow RAW!
That's what I thought. Run chicken. Only real men listen to FatGuyRadioShow RAW!
4th of July Moo-sic Celebration
I turned my talk radio show, FatGuyRadioShow, into a music show for your fourth of July celebration. Invite me to create the music background for your Independence Day celebrations!
Available now at
Available now at
Justin Bieber vs Morning Radio
Many know I've been wanting to get Justin Bieber on my internet radio show, FatGuyRadioShow, for some time now. With his upcoming concert in Glendale, AZ at the Areana I was thinking this is a pretty much open and shut opportunity.
Well, now this morning jagaloon has to go and ruin it for the rest of us.
The story broke that Justin Bieber hung up during a morning radio show interview after the radio show host compared him to Justin Timberlake. Here is a full court press on the saga... (note this coverage is on the side of the radio show host)
My take is that Justin had full rights to hang up on this whack job. Why? The first thing about interviews with superstars is you don't compare them to other superstars. Justin was fair and just in his response "he wants to stand apart from other artist". Duh idiot radio show host.
It's guys like this that host radio shows that do things like this that run celebrities away from doing radio promotions or celebrities began to hand down many conditions to an interview resulting in limited ability to keep your show at the same quality of entertainment.
I may be a rookie in this radio gig, but I know when a "morning zoo dj has gone to far" and this guy is a prime example. I applaud Justin for hanging up on the ass hat. You don't compare artist with other artist and you sure as hell don't make a joke regarding the celebrities mother. Even if the celebrity tweeted the same joke. It's like Justin has the right to joke about his mother... IT'S HIS MOTHER!
This frustrates me and gives a black eyes. The unfortunate thing is that this morning zoo radio shows ratings will go through the roof now that this has taken place because it's getting major pub. The ass hate dj is happy, he just doesn't realize all the other dj's will pay the price for his "success".
Nicki Minaj WTF
I just watched the BET Awards, first I will mail my black persons card back tomorrow morning. I could not have been more confused. (BET Awards, hear my full analysis on the next episode of FatGuyRadioShow)
But one person in particular that just sent my head into a tail spin. Nicki Minaj. Who the hell created this and in what petri dish? She looks so... unhuman. Where is the talent? Where did she come from? And why is she here?
Grant it, I'm confused by Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, because I come from a time where music and side show performers were two separate things. Now the two worlds are one and we are paying these proverbial clowns to give us a "performance" like they do.
If you want to see a Nicki Minaj performance, just visit the local homeless corner, throw on a platinum blog wig on a wine-o, and have the two teeth carrying homeless guy perform. Nicki does not have talent, she is a side show. One you see behind a cloth drape at the local traveling circus. She should not be on network TV, if BET is a network. Her "act" should be on some boardwalk in Long Island.
I wonder what the R&B singers of the past would say to crap performances like Nicki Minaj. If that's even her real name?
I can promise you one thing, if we keep supporting these clowns and allowing our kids to support these modern day side show Bob performers they will never go away. Our hard earned dollars will continue to breed more and more of these tasteless talentless sideshow acts.
Secondly, what the hell is going on with her ass? That's not sexy, that's what you call government-mule-ass right there. Who finds that attractive? It looks nasty and probably smells the same way it looks.
Drop the makeup, kill the auto-tune and the drum machine - put her in front of Ray Chu and the crew then measure her success. She is a bottle bread performer and the moment she miss steps she'll be kicked to the curb in 5 seconds, forgotten in the next 10.
Hanson Brothers Comeback
Fine, I'll admit it.. I'm a Hanson fan! You remember those long haired mmm-bop boys. Don't sit there for a minute and act like you didn't bounce your head to the lyrics.
Zac, Taylor and Isaac Hanson made up Hanson
I know they have tried to make a come back in the past. Last year or so they released a new track titled "Thinkin bout Somethin" which kind of just fizzled out. Thinking 'Bout Somethin'
Available on Amazon
Maybe its the industry. Maybe there isn't room for a band of brothers that actually play real instruments and sing real harmony. Maybe the industry has rejected their talent because it doesn't mess with the "auto-tune" crap we get today. Not sure what the reason is, but if our record industry is going to outst real talent we're heading for a bad place in this world.
Note to the record industry, you and I both know you control it all - don't forget the industry you are in started on vocalist with talent and real instruments.
Hanson, I await your come back and will welcome you with open arms!
Zac, Taylor and Isaac Hanson made up Hanson
I know they have tried to make a come back in the past. Last year or so they released a new track titled "Thinkin bout Somethin" which kind of just fizzled out. Thinking 'Bout Somethin'
Maybe its the industry. Maybe there isn't room for a band of brothers that actually play real instruments and sing real harmony. Maybe the industry has rejected their talent because it doesn't mess with the "auto-tune" crap we get today. Not sure what the reason is, but if our record industry is going to outst real talent we're heading for a bad place in this world.
Note to the record industry, you and I both know you control it all - don't forget the industry you are in started on vocalist with talent and real instruments.
Hanson, I await your come back and will welcome you with open arms!
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