How to Stop Mass Shootings

This video from Mr. Colion Noir makes it clear. Rather you support his view point or not, the reason I am sharing this on my blog is because he makes this point in an eloquent poignant way. There's no screaming, yelling, slamming of the other parties view point. He expresses himself and the video ends.

Imagine how much more we (USA) would accomplish if we all took the time to simply talk instead of attacking. I applaud Mr. Colion Noir educated non-hate filled message. This video has actually made me rethink a few of my stances on the gun debate.

This is all you will ever see me post about the gun debate. Not that I don't have an opinion, I just desire to use my blog AfterTheLevels to entertain you, make you laugh, give you a few seconds out of your day to escape the reality that plagues our minds every day.

I won't take credit for discovering this video, it was discussed & featured on my friends radio show BigO & Dukes. If you like FatGuyRadioShow, you'll love Big O & Dukes.

I just wish this video wasn't filled with all his ads. It would pick up more traction if it wasn't laced with so much self promotion. But I understand what he's trying to do. 

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