Loose Dogs vs School Kids; Law Proposal

I propose a new federal law, if a dog is loose during the time of day when school kids are walking to or from school - that dog owner should be forced to surrender their dog to a kill shelter at the owners cost.

loose dogs, chasing, children, school, blog, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
There is no reason a dog should be loose to chase, bark, intimidate, or approach a school attending child during a school day.

I understand dogs, I have a dog and if he gets out it's solely because of my negligence. Dog owners need to be responsible for their pets. Big, small, mix breed or full breed - it does not matter. Dogs are going to be dogs. They are natural hunters and protectors. Innocent children walking to or from school should not be forced to interact with your unrestrained dog.

I feel this way, anyone attending school under the age of 18 that encounters an unrestrained dog should have the right to defend themselves using any means necessary during in-session school days. Kick it. Throw something at it. Pepper spray it. Throw rocks at it. Whatever is required. If the owner of the dog is not responsible enough to restrain the dog, they don't deserve the dog. No questions asked and the child's parent can not be held responsible for any damages done to the dog including its death.

Many of you may not agree… fine, you most likely keep your dogs restrained or within the safety of your home. For those people that don't, deserve what ever the hell happens to their animal. It may sound insensitive, but I'll go one step further - if my kid is ever bitten or chased by a loose dog, it's dead!

Be responsible dog owners, protect your animal and our children.

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