Woman Shames Cheating Husband

Holy heart break batman! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Clearly, a North Carolina woman was so outraged by her husbands infidelity, she decided to broadcast it via a billboard on a busy street in Greensboro, N.C.

woman, cheating husband, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, blog, N.C.

I've gone on record that when a woman reacts like this, puts it all out there for the world to see is a result of one thing… that cheating lying dog of a husband was making her see angels in the bedroom. Think about it; would a woman who is unsatisfied be this adamant about a cheating husband? No. She would be hurt, but would realize after a few hundred glasses of champaign that the sex was so bad now she can find someone to make her toes curl. The infidelity was just her ticket out.

This North Carolina woman went to this extreme because her soon-to-be ex husband was giving her the businesses in the bed and she's pissed because "Jessica" is now getting the business. Thing is, when Michael cheats on Jessica she going to flip out too - cause the d*** must be good!

There's a lesson in this, don't base your marriages on your partners ability to make you scream. Cause when they leave your ass, you gone miss that loving.

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