Looks Equal Success

pretty people, ugly people, workplace, success, afterthelevels.com, cory blaze
When you look around a corporate workplace, school or any where there's a ranking of power. Do you notice that people who are well kept are in successful positions?

When I say well kept, I'm talking people that eat healthy, workout, wear very nice clothes, are pretty or handsome.

I can understand good looking people having an advantage in hollywood, theater, or music. Sex sells. However, does that same rule apply in every day corporate America. I would have to say yes!

Most of the people I'm around on a regular basis, there is a clear drawn line between those that are in successful power positions verses those in mundane pencil pushing positions. The successful power players are very well put together, not overweight, extremely groomed. While the mundane pencil pushers are just clothed, many overweight and standardly groomed to where you can at least see their face.

Maybe I'm wrong, but looks can equal success. This is why I'm a radio talk show host and blogger.

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