AETV "Bates Motel"

bates motel, AETV,, review, tv show, premier, critic, cory blaze
A&E did not let us down on this one folks. Bates Motel staring Vera Farmiga & Freddie Highmore premiered Monday March 18, 2013 to a tweet frenzy audience. #batesmotel instantly started trending on Twitter and I was in the front row.

When the show began, with me now knowing the Psycho series very well, I was a little lost. But that was all soon to change.

Once Norma, played by Vera Farmiga and Norman played by Freddie Highmore, made their first killing in the kitchen I was hooked. Literally on the edge of my seat while trying to maintain a conversation with the thousands that were tweeting about the show.

A&E did not hold back on this premier. With the first episode consisting of a rape and stabbing, then a sheriffs officer taking a leak inches from their first corpse to a body dumping river scene, A&E gave it to us.

Of course it took about 40 minutes into the show for the Chocolate Factory shtick to begin, but it died out and people on Twitter were all in a buzz once again.

Over all the premier episode has me locked in. The DVR is set. In addition, I have to give A&E some kudos for not blowing the shows entire plot in the promos. One thing I hate about new shows, the networks give you so much in the promos that you've pretty much watched the entire show outside of the script filler scenes. A&E gave it to us right and right from the beginning.

Thanks to everyone that joined me during the first every FatGuyRadioShow Tweet-Watch. We'll do it again soon.

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