Boycott Yahoo

yahoo logo, CT killer, boycott yahoo,, cory blaze
We all know the search engine Yahoo. February 19, 2013, Yahoo featured the most agregious picture ever. Never before seen pictures of the Conneticut school shooter.

Why do I call for a boycott of Yahoo and any of its sponsors until these pictures and stories are removed? Posting these pictures will only humanizes and create a celebrity of this inhuman child killer.

Let's give the world a clear pristine never before seen picture of "his" face, tell the life he lived, the struggles he had, his inability to cope with problems, so the next idiot who reads his story can relate and equate "his" actions as a way to deal with their own issues. It's bad enough PBS is releasing a documentary on this monster and his family. Let's just line up every eff'd up killer in America, plaster their faces across the TV screens of millions of people- in hopes that what… no one will copycat the killings? Everyone that has a problem in the world just read "his" story and this is how you deal with your problems… sponsored by Yahoo and PBS.

We have fallen asleep on the now childless homes and parents that still lie awake a night with tear filled eyes praying that by some magical move of the cosmos their little innocent child will be returned to them. What about the child that had to witness stepping over the bodies of their dead friends? Or the little boy that developed his first crush but never had the chance to tell anyone because his life came to an end at the hands of madman featured in a Yahoo story (proof below). When do they get to heal while you're featuring his face and making your movies about him.

There isn't one damn story about how the victims of Sandy Hook are doing now in the Yahoo featured scroll. Not ONE DAMN story or mention; but this monsters face is prominently shown. The only picture of this child killer that should be publicized is his bullet riddled corpse, showing others that contemplate doing what he did the end results.

This isn't a gun debate issue, this is the US media needing to have a conscious with the stories they choose to feature. Starting with Yahoo. Freedom of the press, I understand, but have some balls and stand up for whats morally right Yahoo. Until you do, not a single dollar of mine will be spent on anything Yahoo related., featured scroll, sandy hook killer featured,, cory blaze

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