Record and Release Ruined My Life

So on my show, FatGuyRadioShow, we would record a show on a Saturday afternoon and it would have a 2-3 day post production process. Well, we have picked up a lot of steam with the show and made an investment in what really mounts up to be some new software.

recording sign
This new software now allows us to record and release the show on the same day. So now FatGuyRadioShow, aka FGRS, can be heard on Saturday nights. The software communicates with the website and everything.

But this new software has ruined my life, because now I have nothing to keep my time on Monday and Tuesday nights. On a normal basis, I would leave my numbers job, go straight to the studio, grab the external drive that has the show recorded on it, take it home and work on editing the show from home. Now, that's not needed. Because an hour after we record the show, this magical system goes to work and releases the show to the world in a matter of one hour. Not only that, coming soon the show will be streamed live on Stitcher Radio. My life is over!

I guess what I need to do now, is find something to fill the new downtime of my Mondays and Tuesdays.

This really isn't a bad thing, it's just a new thing.