Levi Johnston Knocks Up Another

Levi Johnston

Here we go again with this jaggaloon. How long is the bulb in this dudes spotlight going to last?

TMZ.com reports
Levi Johnston's sperm have come home to roost -- again. The 21-year-old stud has up and got another babe pregnant out of wedlock, TMZ is reporting. She's Sunny Oglesby, a 20-year-old teacher from you know where - Wasilla, Alaska. The couple has been dating for just over a year, and she's said to be fewer than three months along in her pregnancy, sources tell TMZ. This means little Tripp Palin, the child he had with his ex-fiance Bristol Palin, could have a half-brother or sister on the way. (Or both!) No response yet from Bristol, who in her 2011 memoir wrote that bad boy Levi cheated on her constantly.
Yippee, this hippie has banged another girl and now she's reportedly pregnant. Who gives a s%$*? Really! Does the timing of this report have anything to do with his yenta-fied ex-mother-in-law anchoring a morning show? Maybe there's a collation. I can't figure out why I'm even posting on this BS. Hey, my cousin is pregnant after my other cousin had her baby 3 years ago. There's a story with the same weight.

Levi Johnston Naked Playgirl
I guess the only conclusion I can draw is Levi's da man, I ain't mad at him. If I had those homegrown boyish looks I bang everything too.

Remember PlayGirl ladies? | enter swoons here | You know you like that massive Alaskan frozen popsicle lovin Levi has hunkered down in those camouflage jumpsuits. You can just hear the moose calls can't you.

Get over yourselves. Next!