Shirtless Pics Annoyance

shirtless self pic
Today on my Twitter @cory_phx I tweeted a picture that had two affects on people. One affect; mostly guys agreed, the other affect; mostly women thought it was a hot pic. Nice to see we all have values.

Maybe its just the fat guy thing I've got going on, but I'm tired of seeing the shirtless self pictures posted on Facebook, Twitter, and the like. Ok, we get it - you're young smooth and muscular, but do you have to share with everyone? No one gives a crap... at least no one with a mature mind.

Often you hear me on FatGuyRadioShow make mention to my co-host and producer to remove their shirts, but their not posting self pics of themselves on the internet. On the show and in the studio its for pure entertainment... mostly for me. So there!

However, if I had a body like that I'd post shirtless pics too. Just kidding. Stop it! Enough!

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