Kim Kardashian, Flower Bomb Hmmm?

antiqued guy
Photo Courtesy of
Kim Kardashian out peddling her latest perfume, she's on the red carpet and BAM she's pelted with flower. This take me back to the college days where you would come upon a sleeping roommate, make a beeline for the flower bag, take a handful and pelt your sleeping roommate with flower. We called it "getting antiqued".

I have gotten to the point where I can't believe anything is "accidental" when it comes to someone with that last name Kardashian. Every part of their life seems to be carefully scripted with the end result being their gain. Unfortunately this is another win story for the privileged Kardashians.

kim kardashian flowered

I make no bones on the fact that I am not, I repeat, NOT a Kardashian fan in the lease. These over exposed twits don't deserve anything else in life. Have you ever thought back to 30 years ago when an actor, musician, or singer would have to work their asses off in dive bars and community theaters just to get the attention of a producer or director. Well the Kardashians, like they have done with reality TV, have killed that theory. Now every young girl believes if she is pretty enough she too can have a talentless, no purpose having existence with a huge paycheck. Bravo Kardashians, again you have set the bar so low there's not point in trying.

So enjoy your flowered hair, from the woman you most likely planted in you own event just to get myself and the rest of the media community to notice you... again. Bravo, Bravo. Now you can return to ruining NBA players lives.

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