Anyway, back to the point of this post. As I gazed in my rear view mirror to see all the penises ogling this woman, I noticed that every house-frou yenta was also looking with discuss and hatred in their eyes.
This woman walking on the side of the road, minding her own business, drew the ire of every woman driver. One woman in particular was next to me in a grey minivan. She looked to be somewhere around 40 years old, wearing a black pants suit, because she believed it demonstrates an image of power in her male dominated profession. This woman mouthed words I can't even put on this blog with out changing the adult rating. This lady was obviously extremely jealous of this woman simply walking on the side of the road.
Now there's a 99% chance of never seeing this woman walking on the side of the road after that day, but just noticing the immense disgust by every other woman driving just took me by surprise. It told me that these women, expressing complete jealously on their faces, is lacking something in their life. Something is not happening at home that is causing them to feel so less than this barbie walking on the side of the road.