Long gone are the days when a persons name had clout, honor, and meaning. We know have Hashtag Jameson.

hashtag jameson, baby, twitter, afterthelevels, cory blaze
This couple, from an undisclosed country, named the new born baby girl Hashtag Jameson. Yes her first name is Hashtag from famed Twitter hashtag or # for short.

We have completely lost it as a species. I look forward to the day the aliens come to remove us from our own demise.

Bad enough we have baby Facebook and baby Like, now baby Hashtag. What's next!

Have these parents realized this child has to grow up and live with this name for the rest of their life? You've branded your children with a brand that may not exist when they are old enough to realize it. Let's go ahead and get Dr. Phil on the phone for this one, cause these kids have no chance at being normal.

I hate to call into judgement a parents decision making skills, but damn doesn't get any clearcut than this does it.

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