The Ugliest Political Campaigning Ever

The 2012 Presidential election is in just a handful of weeks and the campaigning, especially in key states, is turning very ugly… from both parties.

not obama, no romney, political fighting, barack obama, mitt romney,, cory blaze
Not Obama Not Romney Cartoon by Daryl Cagle / MSNBC.
One important thing I liked about President Obama when running for office in 2008, he refused to play dirty. Obama campaigned on the premise of change and one change was no dirt throwing or slander. I feel he held up to that, to a certain point.

Now that Obama is up against Mitt Romney, or should I say up against Mitt Romneys money, it's a drag out dirty-dog alley fight! Watching Monday night football this past Monday I saw an Obama ad followed immediately by a Romney/Ryan ad. Both ads were just slamming the other guy. "he said he'll do this", "well, he doesn't understand this", and bla bla lie lie!

I don't know how you feel, but if this is how these two act running for office how will they act when they get in it? It's embarrassing to the country they both claim to love. A battle is not always won by the person with the bigger gun, sometimes a defeat is a win perpetrating as courage.

This presidential race has become two notches above school hallway bullying. We are showing America's future this is how you win, you trash the other guy. Genius right?

Whatever happened to being civilized and understanding your strong points and making that the basis of success? Verses spotlighting and dancing on the short falls of your opponent.

I have less respect for both of these men running for president and I'm not afraid to say it. My father taught me about being a man, and being a man includes taking the high road even though its the road less traveled.

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