Man Gives Money on Street Corner

bill blackley, cory blaze,, the, picture
Bill Blackley stood on a corner in Winston Salem, NC and hands out $5 bills to passing motorist.

Why, because he got the money from his wife for his birthday and he thought there were other people that needed the money more than he did. This guy is a cool dude in my book.

It's obvious that $5 is not going to change someones life, however in the days of greed, corruption, anger, and theft taking a couple of hundred dollars standing on the street corner with a sign that read "I have a job. I have a home. Could YOU use $5". To people passing by he bought a couple of people lunch that day.

Its reported that a lot of motorist asked Bill, "what do I have to do?" To which Bill would reply, "take it out of my hand".

I'm not sure about you but an extra $5 in the day is a blessing and you never know, someone could have driven by that was $5 short on their light bill and now they got it by running into Bill Blackley.

At the end of the day Bill handed out about $600. That's paying it forward.

Here's the coverage from


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