Give Fate A Chance

peddles, love, hands, blog post,, cory blaze
This may be a stupid question but I’ll post it anyway; it is possible to meet someone that is not so superficial that appearance is everything? Yes there has to be some sort of physical attraction, but the human nature is rooted in emotion and feeling. Everyone, white-black-asian-indian short-tall-skinny-fat male-female-transgendered; all posses the desire to just feel embraced aside from the veil of judgment.

Gone are the days of someone getting to know what’s on the inside without solely focusing on the outer appearance. Imagine for a moment how many opportunities we forfeit because of our own unrecognized internal judgment of someone just simply attempting to get to know you. It’s amazing that the world has become such a small island mentally that it’s a short trip from attraction to dissatisfaction.

This may speak or present itself from a loath or a rejected person, but on the contrary. This question is asked on the basis that there has to be a u-turn sign in the dead end that is known as the one night stand.

If this is not recognized by those that seek others we will inevitably cease as a human race. Everyone cannot afford to be the Hollywood model with perfect hair, teeth, walk, and talk. That image is crafted from human beings trained on appearance and persona out of a textbooks written from the imagination of another emotional rooted human. If you mark after that image, take into account how 90% of Hollywood relationships end. Yet most picture perfect stars personal lives are as empty as their wallets once their light has faded.

So to you, the reader of this post, I pose to you; meet someone with your mind open not just your eyes. For if you blink, you may miss the one opportunity to fill the vacancy that’s in your world that you’ve master masking over from others to see.

Give fate a chance!