Big Lots, Big LIES

I'd like to meet one person who has actually completed the purchased of an advertised product from a Big Lots store. When is someone going to call this discount chain on the fact their advertised items are never available on their shelves., big lots, store, consumer warning, consumer alert, false advertising,, cory blaze
Big Lots is a closeout retail chain with thousands of stores across the United States.

This is the thing, Big Lots sends out these emails with some amazing advertised deals. Like most of us this time of year, we're all shopping for deals. You see these deals, hop in your car and beat cheeks to your local Big Lots store. Only to discover, their shelves have everything else but what was advertised.

This has happened to me to many times, I'm now never going to shop Big Lots again. Of course Big Lots can offer you discounts other retail stores can't, but I'd rather pay and extra dollar to know the product is going to be in stock. When you add it all up, it's actually costing me money to be dispointed at Big Lots. My gas, my time, and my attitude.

Big Lots is a Big Lie plain and simple. Big Lots gets away with this because the stores can prove they had the advertised item on its shelves, what they won't say is they only had 3 of that specific item and two employees stashed it for themselves five minutes after the store opened. Trust me I know, I had a friend that worked for Big Lots when it was MacFrugals.

You've lost a customer in me Big Lies… I mean Big Lots.