Are Blogs Just for Porn?

Many people log on to the internet from all over the world. Almost 90% of households in America has access to the internet in some way.

Being a "blogger", trying to cut my teeth in this internet story telling thing, my biggest challenge is people visit my blog hoping to find free porn. So I asked myself, are blogs just for porn?
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The famous Shirley Maclaine stared in a movie called Sweet Charity back in 1969 and one musical number from that movie turned stage play is "Something Better Than This". That music number plays in my head every time I get contacted by someone asking if I post adult material on my blog.

Sorry to disappoint, but I don't. AfterTheLevels is an extension of my internet radio show, FatGuyRadioShow. I record one show a week but things happen through out the week I want to talk about. Therefore I created ATL. I have no intentions on making ATL a blog filled with adult images, it's not that I don't enjoy adult images… I do, but in the privacy of my own home.

Blogs can offer more than just porn and its okay. But I must say, the most read posting on ATL had something to do with naked people. Go figure. Enjoy AfterTheLevels - a porn free blog. Tell a friend.