Japans Breast Squeeze Fundraiser

Someone make sure my little brother, co-host of FatGuyRadioShow, is not reading this post.

I've always wanted to travel to Japan for it's culture, food and technology. But this takes the cake!

breast squeeze fundraiser, japan, cory blaze, afterthevels.com
In Japan, the adult-film industry host the most brazenly brilliant AIDS fundraiser. Make a donation to the AIDS foundation and during the Erotica Will Save the Day event men get to squeeze a Japaneese adult-film stars breast.

All participants had to be over 18, submit to an id check, wash and sterilize their hands, and got up to two squeezes per hand. Brilliant!

I do have one question, what do the women who donate get to squeeze? Hmmm?

Think I'm making this up, here's the full link from our friends at MSN.com