I just watched the BET Awards, first I will mail my black persons card back tomorrow morning. I could not have been more confused. (BET Awards, hear my full analysis on the next episode of FatGuyRadioShow)
But one person in particular that just sent my head into a tail spin. Nicki Minaj. Who the hell created this and in what petri dish? She looks so... unhuman. Where is the talent? Where did she come from? And why is she here?
Grant it, I'm confused by Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, because I come from a time where music and side show performers were two separate things. Now the two worlds are one and we are paying these proverbial clowns to give us a "performance" like they do.
If you want to see a Nicki Minaj performance, just visit the local homeless corner, throw on a platinum blog wig on a wine-o, and have the two teeth carrying homeless guy perform. Nicki does not have talent, she is a side show. One you see behind a cloth drape at the local traveling circus. She should not be on network TV, if BET is a network. Her "act" should be on some boardwalk in Long Island.
I wonder what the R&B singers of the past would say to crap performances like Nicki Minaj. If that's even her real name?
I can promise you one thing, if we keep supporting these clowns and allowing our kids to support these modern day side show Bob performers they will never go away. Our hard earned dollars will continue to breed more and more of these tasteless talentless sideshow acts.
Secondly, what the hell is going on with her ass? That's not sexy, that's what you call government-mule-ass right there. Who finds that attractive? It looks nasty and probably smells the same way it looks.
Drop the makeup, kill the auto-tune and the drum machine - put her in front of Ray Chu and the crew then measure her success. She is a bottle bread performer and the moment she miss steps she'll be kicked to the curb in 5 seconds, forgotten in the next 10.