Hi! Has got to be one of the simplest words in the world, yet most people have a very difficult time using it. You'd be surprised how much power is contained in the greeting word hi. Even if it's insincere.
You see someone that you may or may not know it's completely acceptable to say hi. It's not as if you're inviting them into your life to change your religion, it's just a greeting.
I work in a business building for my numbers job and I can't tell you how effectual it is when someone says hi. When someone acknowledges you are there, you exist.
However, there is a small protocol to saying hi in a work environment. If someone works for you its your responsibility to initiate the greeting. Why? Because they work for you and you may or may not be the greatest person to work for in their mind. So taking that extra millisecond to acknowledge them goes a lot further than you think. Don't be the ass that believes the people below you should speak first, its the opposite. For those that have people that work with you, meaning you're a team with equal responsibility and call, its the responsibility of the person who makes eye contact first to speak.
The word "Hi" can set the mood for someone's day. Are you too damn busy or stuck on yourself to say "Hi", not good morning or how are you doing today... just "Hi"! It's one syllable, one breath, and one word.
Pull your head out of your ass cause your thoughts smell like sh**
- Cory