Why must you continually give the rest of the civilized world an example of your bad parenting? I'm talking about your bad as kids!
Please allow me to set the scene: It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, birds are chirping, you and your mate decide to barbeque a few things on the grill. Maybe even, brew up some sweet tea. You get up from your easy chair and over to the kitchen where you discover you don't have everything for a Saturday afternoon backyard barbeque with just you and your mate. Someone needs to head over to the local supermarket to grab the items needed. You decide to be the gofer and allow your mate to relax or to prepare the rest of the items while you are away. You grab the car keys, wallet, and off you go to your local grocery story. While in route to the store, you think aloud, "lets kill the A/C and enjoy some of this great Saturday weather". You arrive at the supermarket parking lot, get out of your vehicle. You've even got a hop in your step and whistle on your lips - you just need to get in and out with a few items to get back to the house where your mate awaits and the coals are just turning white. Step out of the car and up to the grocery cart stall and... an 8 year old that didn't get the cupcake she wanted is throwing a complete audible tantrum right near the cart stall, blocking your ability to get around the kicking, screaming, flailing kid - while the parent exercises what she believes is the right thing to do; ignore the kid and the tantrum will go away. Meantime, you're stuck trying to get around this nose miner while the parent lallygags to her car calling her child's name ever so sweetly.
Hows' that Saturday working out now?
That's just one part of the example of my Saturday. I have children, if they are having a bad day, which kids do - I leave their asses at home or I just don't leave the house. Everyone understands kids are still learning how to express themselves, but if your child is having a nuclear meltdown