Facebook Life's Span

Are you on facebook? Chances are... you are. In 2012 facebook reached 1.1 billion users worldwide. With that many people you'd think it would run as smooth as a new BMW C-class, right! Wrong.

Ever heard your grandmother say, "you're getting to big for your britches"? Well Facebook may be heading in the direction of getting to big for its own good. The recent on-slot of Facebook stocks has officially changed the company from being a "cool tool" to being a corporation. And in this economic world being a corporation gets you labeled "not about the people that made you who you are". I suggest changing the name from Facebook to Corpbook.

afterthelevels.com, cory blaze, facebook logo, fatguyradioshow.com, life span, facebooks downfall

I'm willing to make a bold prediction on Facebooks life span. With all the recent UNNECESSARY changes... I'm sorry, upgrades and the continuous downfall of its stock; not failing in mentioning the pending lawsuits over the stocks, I give Facebook 3 years from today.

Meaning in the next 3 years some tech geek is going to introduce something better than Facebook to the world and everyone will jump ship like we did on MySpace.

Facebook going on the stock exchange was it's beginning of its end. It's not a tangible product, it really has no value. It's a computer program that billions of people use. Sound familiar? Yes, its Microsoft Office for your face. Microsoft Office, itself is not on the stock exchange; the tangible - value gaining physical computer systems called Microsoft are. It's a bold move by Zuckinberg, but how can something that does not really exist in a true physical form last? Don't believe me, ask MySpace.

A wise business owner once told me, "when you do something new and make money from it, there are 2,000 other people trying to out do you within 5 minutes of your success". So it's just a matter of time before the next big thing is dropped on us and Facebook is standing next to MySpace and Earthlink.

When Facebook took it's eyes off the end user, us, and focused on the money it began to write its own obituary.

I officially predict the end of the Facebook in popularity by the year 2015.

- Cory Blaze
And yes, AfterTheLevels is on Facebook - like us, won't you. https://www.facebook.com/AftertheLevels