Safe home Maurice Sendak

The world is a little less imaginative today. We've lost a treasure. Safe home Maurice Sendak the author of 'Where The Wild Things Are'.

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Where The Wild Things Are was the first book I ever remember readying from cover to cover. I recall sitting in my fourth grade classes Tuesday reading circle. Our teach Mrs. Dixie Parrish (still friends today) would take us over to the library, we'd get a book, and if you had enough gold stars on the board you were picked to reach your story out loud. The week I knew I had enough gold stars and was going to read, my first book of choice was Where The Wild Things Are!

When they turned to book into a full featured movie back in 2009, I was the first in line on opening day.

Maurice Sendak is a name I will not forgot because I remember practicing how to say his last name with my fourth grade teacher as we walked back from the Dunbar Elementary school library on reading circle Tuesdays.

Where The Wild Things Are is a timeless story of a disobedient boy named Max being sent to bed without his supper. He then creates his own world, a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max at their ruler!

I solute Mr. Maurice Sendack. I will carry your story with me for years to come.