Your Flu Riddled Work Ethic

Hey listen, we all know what type of economic climate we live in. We get it. Everyone is fighting to go above and beyond to be the hero to the powers that be. But no one is impressed by you going to work sick!

Now is not the time for your flu riddled work ethic!

sick at work, flu season,, cory blaze, blog post
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has released reports that we are experiencing the worst flu season in the last decade. The report also noted that the immunization shots that were administered this season only has a 62% effectivness. Furthermore, you can possibly be contagious a day before you experience any flu like symptoms and a day after you feel the systems have subsided.

So lots of people are getting sick. If you are sick, stay your nasty ass at home! No one is going to be impressed by you hacking and being a trooper by going to work. If anything, people are going to hate you more.

When you go to work sick, you're not being a hero you're being selfish! You are telling everyone in your workspace, that's most likely poorly ventilated, that their health is not as important as you impressing someone that will never care. Do what you do on the weekends when you realize your life is empty, work from home. Telecommute in. Don't risk the health of others just because you want to impress the boss. Trust me, they'll be many other times you can suck the crack of the gnat in charge. Only people that suck ass and are inept, go to work sick!