Think with me for a second. You sit down with your ipod in your hand, pull up your itunes library and hit shuffle. A few songs come on to get your foot tapping, then "that song" starts to play. Your mind instantly is taken back to a moment in time. Your entire being is transported emotionally. You can recall the smells of the moment, the feel of the moment, maybe even the actual day and time. This all came about from the memory of music.
As I was driving home tonight from doing laundry I did just exactly that. I connected by iphone to my mp3 player connection in the car and Whitney Houstons' Saving All My Love For You
began to play in the shuffle. My eyes started to water up because that song reminds me of my first ever crush.
Another track followed, Why Does It Hurt So Bad
, and I started to think about one of my close friends and the pain he is dealing with from a recent break up. The words of that song were never so powerful before this moment in time.
Music has a very powerful effect on our lives. They can bring good times to mind and bad. Some songs are produced to induce joy, excitement, and can even influence a nation. I may be a talk show host, but one thing is certain music has a profound effect on my life and plays a key role in moments of time.
Take a second, maybe dig deep into your music library to find that one or two songs that take you back to that moment that only you and maybe one other person shared. Harness the power of memories through music.