Tyler Perry… Plot Thief?

I was wondering how long it was going to take before Tyler Perry got him self caught up. I never would have thought it would be around a movie plot though.

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American author Terri Donald filed a lawsuit against movie mogul Tyler Perry in federal court on November 27th claiming that Perry stole the plot of his movie "Good Deeds" from her book "Bad Apples Can Be Good Fruit".

Of course my first mind goes to the fact this movie has been out and airs on cable TV now, so its' not fresh. So I can't help but wonder why it took Donald so long to file a lawsuit. Once the movie was released if it was in fact her books plot she would have known a lot sooner. Hmmm?

Then again, Tyler has been pushing out some serious movies lately. Other successful film directors take a span of time between projects, Tyler has been shoving movie after movie. It's almost like we get three Typer Perry movies a year. Which is very rare in Hollywood movie making. It's almost conceivable that a plot for a movie could have been taken from a book.

Donald claims she sent a book copy to Perry before the movie was in production. He most likely rejected the book and her feelings got hurt. Who knows.

At the end of the day, it doesn't take long for the machine known as Hollywood to turn on you, chew and spit. You can be something today, a headline tomorrow, and a faded memory by Saturday. Good luck Perry.