He Died After Winning a Snake, Thank you Florida

It's never a laughing matter when it comes to death. However this story should make the list on the Thousand Ways to Die TV show.

Thank you Florida (in the famous words of radio talk show host Buzz Burbank of the Mike OMeara Show) man Edward Archbold collapsed and later died after competing in a roach eating contest at a local Florida pets store. Winner of the roach eating contest got an ivory-ball python. Basically a snake.

edward archbold, florida, roach eating contest, afterthelevels, cory blaze
The contest took place in early October, but the story has recently resurfaced because the autopsy report was released. Archbold died from choking. On, what else, roaches.

Why the hell would you put yourself in such harm to win a snake? There's even a limit for roach eating on Fear Factor. Those producers tell you to chew the roach completely before swallowing it. This is just plain stupidity.

I'm sorry for the family of Edward Archbold, but they should have been a little more proactive in his participation. Reports also show that Archbold participated in a worm eating contest the night before.

Come one folks, what do you expect? A roach here or a worm there, but not a large amount in less than a 24 hour period. What the hell! Again, my condolences to the family, however this is of all places… Florida!