Stop Making Up Stuff at Work

Everyone's got that person in their workplace they avoid because any contact with them is going to result in some type of new idea or process. Why? Because that weird co-worker is going to make something up so you will be forced to interact with them.

workplace, co workers, business,, cory blaze,
The lady that has more pictures of animals on her desk than humans. The guy that wears the glasses, yet takes them off to see where he's walking. Yeah, that person.

These types of people are so lost in life their entire value is placed in their job duties. Until they get to a point where their job duties no longer fullfill them. So they wait until you make eye contact or give a simple hello to pounce on you.

This co-worker has no friends in the office for this reason. They make up work projects to force interaction. No one is at home when they get there, so they don't mind working 18 hour days. But if they get the golden chance to be engaged by another human, being a simple hello turns into a six month project staring you and them.

These type of co-workers are the single worst human beings to be around. So when you see them, you avert your eyes, turn down another hallway or make your cell phone ring to avoid any contact. And I don't blame you.