Photogenic Baby Joey Powling, Jr.

Normally when I come across cute baby pictures or silly cats doing human things, I run pass those trending stories. This one I just couldn't pass up and I had to repost this story from MSN Now.

'Photogenic Surgery Baby' is the cutest, bravest patient ever

baby joey powling, jr.,, cory blaze, cutest baby

Hang on to your heart, American, because tiny Joey Powling, Jr. is about to swipe it. A pic of the 3-month-old, smiling post-heart surgery, was posted on Reddit and quickly renamed "Ridiculously Good Looking Surgery Baby." Since then, his adorable smile has racked up millions of views and his parents hope his popularity will raise awareness of tetralogy of Fallot, aka TOF, the congenital heart defect that required Joey to have surgery. "[Through Joey's popularity], we want to [let people know that] it you're note diagnosed before you're born, you could have a different outcome,' mom Sarah says. 

We wish you all the best baby Joey, you've stolen the heart of hardass blogger.